
Despite what I'd said to the man, the last thing I wanted to do was find myself a man, one who wouldn't be able to  find a woman's clit if it stared him in the eye. Meaning the solution to my problem was stuffed somewhere in my luggage and battery operated.

And until I got within reaching distance to those, I decide to enjoy my drink and scheme. Scheme until I can think of a way to win, a win that's significant enough to satisfy the hunger for revenge inside me.

But for now, I was going to enjoy my drink in peace.

Something that doesn't happen when I'm off the dance floor by two bald headed goons. One of which knocks my drink onto the ground.

"Watch it, jackass." I snap, stumbling along to where ever they begin to take me.

Like two boulders, they ignore me and begin to drag me towards that back hallway. They don't say anything, but they don't have to.

I know who they are, more so, who they work for.


It's somewhat of an easy feat maneuvering myself out of their holds, but it's even easier to kick one of the men behind the knee and cause him to tumble down while elbowing the other one in the nose as hard as I can.

Straightening myself out, I de-wrinkle my short skirt and instead of taking the opportunity to run, like anyone else would, I stick around.

I turn to look down at the two men who are seconds from recovering and coming right back at me but before they can do so, I lift a hand to display the gold band on my finger. "Lavori per Matteo? o mio padre?"
(Italian|Do you work for Matteo? Or my father)

The word feels bitter on my tongue. That man wasn't my father but I get the reaction I want when the men pause and look between each other before going to my face and then finally my hand.

"My father it is." Keeping my voice leveled, my confidence doesn't alert them to the hostility in the way I grit father.


"Now, why don't you gentlemen escort me to the dumbass that put you up to this in the first place." They hesitate, but eventually one of them smartens up and lead me down the hall and into a back room. 

I follow after them, purposefully slowly and into an office where I glance around, distaste evident on my features at the various photos on the wall.

Silvio with his family, friends, and anyone else he deems important.

I don't find any pictures of myself.

Something in my chest begins to burn, and while I don't have hard liquor to chase it down, my attention is moved to the sheep in a wolfs skin glaring at me like a sour child.

"I guess Silvio really is leaving just anyone in charge these days." I sigh, not bothering to truly look at Silvio's younger and dumber replica.

"I've done my research about you." Matteo tips his nose up at me, while crossing his arms and I roll my eyes, not threatened by him in the slightest.

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