59 || Poetic Injustice

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BLUE - Billie Eilish


Adrenaline is a bitch.

My grandfather taught me to thrive off of it. How to use it to my advantage under pressure.

Only now, when I need it most, I forget how to breathe much less do anything.

Once again, I choke. It's not like me, only in the span of a day it's all I've done.


I was logical, not emotional. Confident, not unsure.
Unforgiving, not understanding.

I glance from Silvio to the man on the wall to my left, leaned against a bookshelf, calm despite the gun aimed his way.

He made me this way. Or perhaps it's my fault for allowing him to make me feel this way.

Feel at all.

"Dio, I thought you were dead." To my right I catch brown eyes, they look so much like Enzo's and hold the same adoration.

Until anger waters them. "He told me you were dead." The barrel tips in Adrik's direction, the look in Silvio eye so crazed I think he might actually pull the trigger.

It's like he cared I was gone.

I dismiss it. If he cared, he wouldn't have left me so easily then.

Stepping forward, I position myself in the middle of the room- between the two men. I turn to face the unstable Italian, who doesn't seem to like the fact that I'm putting myself in front of his gun, in defence of his enemy. "This is not a joke, Celina. Get out of my way."

I do no such thing. Instead, I do what I always did when Silvio got this way. I de-escalate. "Why'd you even come here in the first place?"

He was doing that thing he did when he was too upset and didn't know how to handle his emotions. Act now, think when it's too late. "I came to get my children."

Something pierces my chest. I ignore it. "They're fine." Sabrina may be traumatized, but she'd survive through it. Enzo, I didn't want him to go. But I also had no right demanding he stay. "You can leave with them."

Wood creaks, Adrik straightens behind me, a clear indication of his protest.

Heat prickles the back of my neck, sweat forms at my hairline.

Will he let him leave?

"What about you?" Too occupied in his thoughts, Silvio lowers the gun in his hand and looks to me with wet eyes, crinkled with age at the corners. "I'm not leaving without you."

I laugh. It's so bitter I get it's taste in my mouth. "You had no issue doing it before."

I never got so emotional before when I de-escalated. But then again, I never knew what a lying disappointment he was.

Silvio's face warms, until it looks like a tomato. "Do you truly believe I wanted to leave you?"

Everything else is forgotten in the height of his ignorance. I'm nothing but an angry mess, yelling at a man I wanted so badly to be there for me. "You've never tried to even prove me otherwise!"

𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 |𝟏𝟖+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora