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"Thank you for our meal" I said to Chris on the way out "I will see you tomorrow"
"Later Zoe!"
"Here let me walk you home" said Justin clutching my hand again.
"Your so sweet you don't have to do that"
"I want to" he said
When we got back,
He kissed me on the cheek and said "see you later"
"Bye" I said blushing
We spent a lot of time together, whenever we could, weekends, after my work, until one day Chris Clark invited me to lunch at their house.
"Thank you," I said jumping up into their Land Rover. I was a short girl so needed a proper jump up into the car.
We were driving along, I was just watching out the window, Chris said "hey, nearly there now"
We were greeted by Justin "Hello!"
We went in to a lovely spread on the table. Sandwiches, crisps, sausage rolls, cake, sweets, fruit and loads more little bits and bobs, it looked amazing.
"Oh my goodness, thank you very much for inviting me this spread looks amazing."
A woman with long, curly blonde hair draped round her shoulders came in from the kitchen.
"I hope you like it" she said
"Mum, meet Zoe" Justin said
"Lovely to meet you Zoe and just call me Jess." she replied
"Lovely to meet you to" I added trying to make a good first impression.
"Come on, I'm starving, everybody tuck in" Justin said.
The meal was going well so far. The food was great, we were having a nice conversation until...
" Lottie, can you pass me a sausage roll?" Justin asked
"Lottie? I thought her name was Zoe" Jess and Chis questioned in unison.
I jumped off my chair and ran to a bathroom. On the way Justin gave me a sorry look and followed after me.
"I am so sorry Lottie, it just slipped out my mouth, my parents won't tell and besides they really like you, come on answer me please."
I unlocked the door and he came in and locked it behind him. I was crying a little bit so he held me in his arms and said "don't worry" over and over.
"It's ok Justin, I forgive you, your parents seem nice, maybe they could even help me find my brother?"
"Oh Lottie yes, I'm so glad you forgive me, of course they can help my dad knows loads of people."
"Let's go explain" I dried my eyes and unlocked the toilet door.
"Are you alright" the parents said as we came back in.
"Yes" I said
"Ok, now it's time to explain" Justin's dad replied.

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