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"Justin? Is that you?"
"Yeah can I come in i need to talk to you."
"Justin, it's late, what is it?"
I opened the door forgetting i was in my pjs.
"What do you want?!"
"Look Zoe, Lottie which one do you want me to call you?"
"Zoe in public, Lottie at home"
"Ok Lottie I've decided not to tell social services about you."
"Yay thank you!"
"On one condition"
" What is it?"
"You have to let me take you out to a restaurant my dad works at."
"Is this a date?"
"We'll do you want it to be?" He said with a look in his eyes I couldn't refuse
"If you do" I said blushing
"Then it's a date"
"Come on in, we can hang out for a bit, if you want" I added quickly
"Yeah that would be great"
"Come in and get comfy, I'll get some snacks" I went to the kitchen.
"We can watch a movie on my laptop, I'll run home and get some stuff." Justin shouted from the other room.
"Honestly you don't have to do that" I shouted back
"I want to" he said and I heard the door click closed.
10 minutes later there was a quiet knock on the door.
"I'm back" Justin whispered through the door.
I opened it to him covered in duvets, blankets, a little radio and his laptop.
"Oh my god, you literally thought of everything we might need !"
We sat down on the bed and talked for a while then we watched a few films on his laptop. He got up and went to his backpack. A couple of seconds later he turned back around "close your eyes and hold put your hands"
He placed what felt like a small box in the palm of my hands. "I got you this as I sign of...." he paused " friendship" I opened the small box to reveal a little ring with a crescent moon on the front "oh I love it! Thank you so much" I said giving him a friendly hug "you deserve it" he replied. We sat down to watch a couple more movies and started to drift off to sleep. Wow he obviously works out, he has a 6 pack I thought to myself.
*Ding Dong* the clock on the wall chimed midnight and we both woke up. "I probably should go, but let's meet up tomorrow" he said
"I'll come fetch you" he added
"Ok see you later"
"You don't mind me leaving my stuff here till tomorrow do you?" Justin asked
"No, of course not see ya"
He gave me a smile as he left and I snuggled back down under the duvet to sleep.

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