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A different nurse approached me in the waiting room, carrying a blue clip board. "Charlotte Hill?" She said to me, I nodded, gulping. Your tests have shown no serious damage but a fractured arm," I breathed a sigh of relief. "But what about my parents?!" I looked around, still no sign of them. "I'm afraid I don't have their records, sorry," I was just waiting for mum to scoop me up in her arms, and dad to hold us both tight. Another nurse walked up to me, "Charlotte Hill? You're going to have to come with me dear," the young nurse held out her hand and I held it, following her to mum and dad's little room.
"What's going on?" I said, looking at their still faces.
"I have some bad news," the nurse said behind me, I didn't look back at her, I just stared at my parents, stiff as statues. "You're parents have died Charlotte..." she whispered, there was nothing more she could say, she was just doing her job.
I heard the door swing open and shut as the nurse left the room. Tears streamed down my face as I held on to mum and dad in turn, sobbing my heart as their hearts weren't beating.
They were dead.
There was nothing I could do.
I was alone.
They were dead.

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