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I ran inside and locked the door, Moon greeted me by yowling and rubbing round my legs. Social services looking for me?! Oh no!
All I could think to do was sleep, it was getting late and I couldn't cope with any more stress, I set up Moon's bed and post next to mine and gave her some food and water before jumping into bed, tears streaming down my face. I cried myself to sleep.
When I woke up Moon was fast asleep in her bed and it was about half nine in the morning, I heard a knock at the door. I passed through to the hallway and let mum in with a smile on my face. She grabbed my hand and took me to the old house, she went into her room, by the time I had followed her in she was holding up a letter but I couldn't quite make out what it read.
I woke up in a cold sweat, I'd dreamt about mum. I looked over at Moon who jumped up on my bed and curled on my lap; "Listen up Moon," I said, drying my eyes, "Today we have to go to the house and I have to find mum's letter, it's for me, I know it is," Moon meowed as if she were saying yes and we both leapt out of bed.

A Stereotypical LifeWhere stories live. Discover now