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I sat on the bed to thoroughly search the safe, I tried to open the door but it was locked and it had a code. *sigh* at that moment I thought about giving up forever but what fun would that be?! My life is moving slowly so I might as well do some stuff with it. That reminded me I need to get a job I'd feel bad surviving on mum and dads money they worked so hard for it. It's time for Zoe Willis to go out into the world, but what about the boy, the social services?! Oh well I will sort that out soon. Maybe I'll get to go for a makeover for my new identity, that would be so fun, I've never had one before. But I suppose until I turned into Zoe Willis it had never really appealed to me.
I sat on the bed with moon trying to figure out the code. "What might they have set it as?" I asked moon. She yowled back as if responding. "Um, what clues might they have given me? We lived at house number 1295 I'll try that, *click click* the sound of the dial turning made me hopeful but no. "mums lucky number was 357" *click click* "wrong again" the penny finally dropped "!!!" I shouted that's it *click click* "open!" The silver door swung open revealing lots of old memories. Books, letters, pictures and small pieces of this and that. My name was written on another letter with a picture attached to the back. Me aged 1, mum, dad and another boy who looked about 7 or 8. He couldn't be a cousin because mum and dad we only child's so who?! A friend? unlikely, A neighbour? our neighbours have always been old, no, it couldn't be, a brother! No way I was just making things up now. I turned back to the letter, it read;
Dear Lottie,
I suppose you know now. I realise we should have told you before but we wanted you to have the perfect childhood. It was easy enough they took him, social services and when he turned 16 and could leave care he never came back not even for his little sister. He loves you very much lottie, so much he wrote a letter for you to read on your 14th birthday. It's in the safe somewhere but for his sake, wait till your 14.
Love mum and dad xx
I had a brother, I knew it, but why did he leave, why was he put in care, what was his name. These were questions I wanted to find out now! I always felt I had a part of me missing but I have only taken notice of it now. I have to find him, I have to find my brother!

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