📝 UnTitLeD sToRy PaRt 🧾📖

Start from the beginning

Rantaro: "Hold on, we can all just do our own ideas now, right? With the dares..?" He laughed nervously as Kaito considered it for a second before sitting back down.

Kokichi: "Nishishi yeah tha-" He was interrupted as Rantaro shoved a sock in his mouth.

Rantaro: "Don't push it." The smaller boy spit it out and glared at Rantaro.

Kaede: "Aha.. um, Kiibo truth or dare?"

Kiibo: "I shall pick dare for the sake of variety!"

Kaede: "I dare you to wear one of Tsumugi's cosplays!" She giggled as the Robot nodded and was led out of the room by the excited cosplayer. He came in a few minutes later with a lion-like head piece, a shield and a pair of metallic wings. His left arm was green and his right arm was red, his legs were yellow and blue.

Tsumugi: "BEHOLD!!! The defender of the universe!!! Voltron!!!" She seemed to shake with excitement as she showed off her creation.

Kiibo: "Ah- I am here to fight you, lord Zarkon!" *emperor* Tsumugi whispered to him.

Kiibo: "Yes, uh, anyways Angie truth or dare?"

Angie: "Nyahaha! Angie picks dare!"

Kiibo: "I dare you to set Miu on fire!"

Kaede: "Ah! Kiibo you can't dare people to do that! She might-" She was cut off by the sound of fire. And Miu screaming..




After five minutes we put the fire out. Fortunately Miu wasn't badly hurt, but we'd be better off itf we keep her and Angie separated.

Angie: "So Shuichi! Truth or dare?"

Shuichi: "Huh? We're still continuing this?"

Kokichi: "Yup, yup! Go ahead Shuichi!"

Shuichi: "Okay... truth I guess?"

Angie: "Alright then!"

"Why do you claim to be a boy?"

I froze. My heart felt like it stopped and I thought I might throw up.

Shuichi: "W-what did you say?"

Angie: "Why do you claim to be a boy. Atua says that's just not true."

Rantaro: "Don't take this the wrong way, but I think Atua made a mistake." He laughed as he stepped in front of me but it was strained.

Angie: "Atua is never wrong. Tell us the truth Shuichi." She stepped towards me and I took a step back.

Kaede: "U-Um why don't we all calm down now..?"

Miu: "Yeah, lets just go play spin the bottle now!"

Tsumugi: "All he has to do is take his shirt off, then Angie will be convinced." I felt like something was in my throat when she said that. Both Rantaro and Tenko gave me worried looks.

Kokichi: "Yea right! You pervs probably just wanna see Shuichi's chest! Leave him alone!"

Kaito: "Yeah! If my sidekick says he's a guy, he's a guy! He never lies!"

Angie: "Atua says I'll have to show you." One second Angie was 5 feet away. the next...


I instinctively wrapped my arms around my chest as my jacket was torn off, revealing my binder. I couldn't help it as tears started to run down my face.

Rantaro: "Angie what the hell!?"

Tenko: "You- You degenerate female!" The two of them stepped in front of me, shielding my body from the others. Nobody else said anything.

Angie: "See! Atua is never wrong! Shu-"

Rantaro: "Leave. Now Angie." I couldn't see his face but his voice was unnaturally cold.

Angie: "Very well." She turned and walked out the door. Rantaro pulled off his shirt and handed it to me once again. 

Rantaro: "Why don't you go to your room. Do you want me to explain to them?" I nodded before quickly making my way out the door and to my room. I change into some of my own clothes before curling up on my bed and crying.


Kaito: "I don't get it.. What was that?"

Tsumugi: "I believe it was a binder, I had no idea!" I couldn't help but glare at her. She helped put Shuichi in this situation. He was like a brother to me and I felt like I needed to protect him.

Kaede: "You said you were going to explain?" She gestured to me, though she avoided looking at me, and her face was somewhat flushed.

Rantaro: "Yea. Shuichi is a trans male." A few of them murmured and others stayed silent. "He goes by He/him so we'd both appreciate it if that's how you refer to him."

Kaede: "Of course!" She pumped her first and smiled at me for a moment. Her eyes trailed down slightly and she once again averted her gaze.

Kokichi: "Oohhh, that's why you were suddenly brought up that topic, huh?"

Miu: "That makes sense, that's why he's such a bottom!" She laughed at her own joke before Kokichi slapped her in the back of the head.

Rantaro: "I should go check on him.." I excused myself and headed out. I heard talking resume right before the door closed and I made my way towards Shuichi's dorm.

Oki what yall think, do you want accepting, quick to romance? Or do you want drama (what kind)

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