An Awakening (Pt.3)

Start from the beginning

This was organisation of goblins like he had never seen before. Whatever had caused them to band together like this was most likely dwelling in the largest of the tents at the far end and was also probably a dark elf more powerful than the one he had encountered on the road. This was a sizable army but Nathaniel did not think they would breach the walls of Ollorath. The defences were too strong for a force on foot, even in as great a number as was massed down below. "This is only a small part of the building army. Far darker things are on their way," whispered Torstein, then he gestured for them to head back through the tunnel.

Daylight was beginning to grow and as they emerged from the other side of the tunnel, a grey light was already beginning to bloom. The horses were still waiting where they had been left and perked up when they saw Nathaniel and Torstein approaching. Very little was said on the ride back down the mountain. Nathaniel was too worried and too shocked to really say anything and Torstein never really said more than was necessary, not one for idle talk. The descent on the twisting, stony path was more treacherous than the way up. The loose rocks made a fall far more likely and more dangerous since they were heading in the direction they would be falling. The horses managed to keep their footing though and did not slip once down the undulating path. They passed beneath the cascading waterfall again, now eased a little from the period without rain. It was still too fast flowing for normal folk to try and cross however and so Nathaniel was glad he had Torstein with him, making his life easier in many ways. As he reflected he thought about what he had said about man not listening to his council. Nathaniel could see how wise he was and knew that if man would not listen to him then Nathaniel would listen for them and do his best to make the rest of man listen to him. He hoped that as a honourable member of the city guard, someone would listen and help him to do the right thing.

At the end of the first day of the return leg, they had almost reached the foothills. The ground had more soil and grass showing and was clearly less barren and rocky than the upper path that wound around the mountain. The night was also warmer at the lower altitude and made it easier to drift off to sleep, since he was not shivering quite as bad and was not preoccupied by the possible presence of goblins.

The second day continued much as the first. Neither person said more than they had to but instead concentrated on the path, following it as it transitioned from mountain to foothills, waiting in anticipation for the forest to stand bold in front of them, signifying the last section of the journey before reaching Torstein's house once again. The path became more solid and less winding and Nathaniel knew they were back down from the mountain. It was then not long before the forest appeared up ahead of them, just a mass of green far in the distance, slowly getting larger and larger as they rode ever closer. When it was finally in front of them they were starting to lose light rapidly and no matter how fast they rode through the forest, they would not reach the hut before sunset. Torstein seemed adamant to press on and as the speed of the horses picked up, they were thrust into darkness under the cover of the trees. Nathaniel was suddenly blind to his surroundings, but only for a second or two as Torstein soon lit the path using his staff.

Dark shadows rushed past him as the horses flew down the track once more. It was a blur of black and brown either side of him as the trees all sped past. The trees tunnelled the light from Torstein's staff as it lit up the path ahead of them. When Nathaniel noticed his horse was struggling it suddenly dawned on him that they were travelling faster than before and were travelling at what must have been the physical and magical limit of the poor beast carrying Nathaniel along. The darkness of the forest would have swallowed them completely if it weren't for Torstein's light and as they raced along Nathaniel caught glimpses of things he recognised from the outward journey, like little milestones for him to track progress. It was difficult however because of the sheer speed that they travelled.

When Torstein finally stopped on the road, Nathaniel and his horse were both quite relieved. It was further relief when Nathaniel jumped down from the horse back inside the circumference of Torstein's garden. The sun was on the brink of reappearing after the long ride through the forest. The nights were still fairly short as the autumn months began to arrive. Nathaniel immediately began preparing to return to the city to warn his people of the building army in the mountains. After a short rest for him and his horse to eat and regain their energy, Nathaniel attached his pack to his horse and mounted up. Torstein held the bridle of the horse before Nathaniel left. "Will you be safe here if the army comes this way?" asked Nathaniel, sounding concerned. Even a powerful wizard would probably struggle fighting a whole army of goblins, led by dark elves, on their own. "This is sacred ground," he said, "Do you not see the stone circle?" he asked. Nathaniel had not but as he looked through the trees, there they were. Huge slabs of blue granite, which emerged from the ground and pointed straight up at least ten feet into the air. "It is safe here, especially from the likes of goblins and dark elves," he added to reassure Nathaniel.

Nathaniel took the reins in his hand and was about to wheel around when Torstein stopped him. "Go to the academy and look through the library. You will surely find something there to help you," he then looked up and whistled long and loud into the sky. From nowhere a bird swooped down with lightning speed and perched on his shoulder. It was a peregrine falcon with a beautiful speckled breast. "If I need to send a message, I will send the falcon to you," then Torstein let go of the bridle and Nathaniel wheeled his horse around and rode away through the trees, galloping as fast as possible back toward Ollorath.

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