Chapter 1: Dead then Alive

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"Dying was quite unexpected as I did not expect it to be anything like I thought it would be."

"One second, I'm alive. Walking through the street towards the building where I would do my first job interview, completely oblivious to the truck that was quickly approaching me."

"And then the next second, I felt short."

Amber brown eyes blinked as the owner of said eyes took in his surroundings, an empty street. He looked at his hands as he saw not hands of a teenager that has just reached adulthood, but hands of a child.

"What...? What just happened?" Confusion was in both his tone of voice which sounded like a child's, and his face which showed complete confusion.

He then looked to his left as he saw a window that had a reflection on it. There he saw a not an adult that had reached the age of 20, but a boy who was either old as 4 to 5 years, maybe even 6.

If seeing the reflection of...himself? Wasn't weird, then the hair colour of the hair on the head was.

The hair was blue. And it clearly wasn't hair dye either, it looked absolutely natural, not also that, it was anime level hair colour.

Slowly, the boy raised his arms as he watched the reflection on the window do the same. He then pinched his cheek, the nails digging in the cheek causing a stinging pain for himself.

"H-H-Huh?!" He stopped pinching his cheek as he now stared at the window that had his reflection.

Que shock and panic.

"WHAT THE FUC-" The child yelled some extremely colourful english words. Any pedestrians near the street looked at the young boy in shock due to his colourful words.


My name is...actually I have idea who I am now. I look familiar but I can't place my finger on it.

As for my my former name, it no longer matters now since I'm probably never going to be called by it ever again.

Anyways, currently.

I'm fucked. I am REALLY fucked.

For reasons, let me inner monolog to list the details of my reasons of being fucked.

I am a child in the middle of the street with no parents at all or I do have parents but I don't have any memory of them at all.

I am Japanese child in a clearly Japanese city that is clearly in Japan. I speak Indonesian as it is my country's language and English the most as it is widely used on the internet. I speak no Japanese at all.

I am quite possibly an orphan in the worst case I do not have parents. How I came to this conclusion is the fact my clothes, while were still in quite good condition, was itchy and has dirt and dust stains on it, showing signs I am homeless.

I am also, hungry and skinny, meaning I am malnutrished as I have not been getting the nutrients I need.

I am an a reincarnated soul of a guy who just turned 20 who was going to an interview of a job, but fast foward after truck-kun, I am now a child which I know nothing in a completely alien territory.

I'm confirming it now.

I am dead in the end of the week. This is best case scenario.

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