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List of members of the Murder Mystery Book Club at Eastbrooks High:

1. Norah Daniels

2. Austin Walker

3. Sabrina Williams

4. Jason Ross-Morrison

5. Emma Fisher

6. Gabriel Hartman

7. Emmanuel Johnson

8. Josh Park

9. Aurelia Reynolds

10. Divya Reddy

11. Aiden Jackson

12. Kazuo Kinomoto

13. Nazeera Akhtar

14. Aliyah Davis

15. Tamaya Love

16. Cole Martìn

17. Alice Turner

18. Shawn Winters

19. Callisto Agnes

20. Ruby Stone


21:35 PM, A message received on Norah Daniels' phone from the Bookclub's WhatsApp Group:

Shelf Indulgence (1 New Message):

Gabriel Hartman

Alright, guys. Instead of playing Capture the Flag like the last time, let's play Secret Santa instead. Yes, I know Christmas is nowhere near, but let's do it anyway.

Aand let's discuss the game choice at tomorrow's meeting, in case any of you have objections. Please, don't be late. And sleep nicely instead of falling asleep tomorrow at the meeting.

In case any of you are unfamiliar with the rules of Secret Santa, there you go:

1. Write down each name on a piece of paper

2. Draw names to randomly assign a Secret Santa player to each other

3. Give a gift to the person whose name you received.

4. There's no particular budget, but let's not overdo it

5. KEEP IT SECRET. It's called Secret Santa for a reason.


A/N: Hey, guys! Thank you for choosing to read The Mystery Of Eastbrooks High. Every minute you spend reading this novel, every view, every vote and every comment means the world to me, and I'm grateful to you!

Hoping that you'll enjoy this novel!


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