You really are something darling

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slight trigger warning

"I think me and you are going to have some fun." He said.

Jaehyun tried to wiggle from his grip that he had on him but it was no use, that guy was stronger than him.

He really hoped that Myung would find him sooner or later.

He was so distracted from his thoughts until he heard the sound of a belt and fear shot up his spine.

"H-hey what are you doing-" he smacked him across the stomach with the belt and Jaehyun couldn't help but let out a whimper from the pain, tears started falling from his eyes.

The guy let out a disgusting laugh.

He came closer this time and Jaehyun spit in his face. "You little fucker." He said wiping the spit off

Bam another hit.

Jaehyun couldn't help but cry from all the pain but it was the worst type of pain for him.

He looks up to seeing the guy pull his pants down, Jaehyun tries to scoot away and yell but his mouth just got covered by the others hand.

"Try yelling for help and I'll make you suffer." He said.

He closed his eyes, hoping someone would eventually find him, then suddenly felt fingers near his rim.

Jaehyun's eyes shot open. "HEY DONT TOUCH ME YOU BASTARD" Jaehyun shouted kicking the guy. "Your feisty." The guy replied and turned him over on his stomach.

no no Jaehyun started sobbing when he felt something being inserted into him.

The guy put his hands over Jaehyun's mouth so you couldn't hear anything but muffled noises and wrapped his hands around his neck as the torture began for him.

Eventually silence filled the room, the man began pulling his pants up leaving Jaehyun there tied up still, crying from all the pain and torture that happened.

He heard someone walk up to him and grab his face it was that disgusting bastard. "You were good cutie." He said letting out the same disgusting laugh.

Jaehyun spit at him. "g-get the hell away from me you disgusting bastard." He said.

He laughed again and left the room leaving Jaehyun helpless.

He heard the door close and he took his chances to try and get loose from being tied.

Eventually he gets out of the grip and grabs his clothes and runs out, accidentally crashing into someone.

"I-I'm very sorry I didn't mean to-" He paused and looked up realizing who he crashed into.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Myung said with a pissed expression.

"I- I.." Jaehyun couldn't explain instead all he did was start crying. "I-I'm sorry's just.." he was stopped by Myung grabbing him and hugging him.

"Who did it." Myung said looking down at Jaehyun concerned.

Jaehyun wasn't used to this feeling nor was he used to someone who kidnapped him and been rude to him to be so kind and gentle towards him.

He let out a shrug. "That's alright let's go." Myung said wrapping his hands around Jaehyun's waist and he flinched.

it was just Myung's hand don't worry Jaehyun.. he thought to himself.

They made their way to the entrance of the place. Jaehyun looked over at Myung who had been talking to Jin about the situation.

He nodded and brought Jaehyun to the car.

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