(a) FILE 00. intro & rules

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Welcome, new appliers, or old ones who have applied for Stranded! I bet you guys are excited, lmao. I've gotten so many comments asking when this is going to be out, well, here you are! 

The plot is simple. Thirteen crewmembers, along with a pilot and chef(minor roles), are invited onto the Airship! They think they're safe, but well, nope. Impostors have been invited along, accidentally(or not). And now, the crew needs to work together to find out who's been killing... or if there's only one on board.

That's it! Hope you like the plot, now, we'll go on to the rules. Please read carefully, and DO NOT skip this.


1. This is a SEQUEL to my other applyfic Stranded. Technically, you do not HAVE to read Stranded to understand this book, as almost NO characters will be reused majorly (so remember that, people) except for slight mentions. However, it would be preferred that you read that book before applying. 

2. Be kind to everyone. Respect everyone and every character. Hate is allowed, but only in the story. And feel free to add characters with diversity, such as POCs, or OCs with different gender identities and sexualities! I promise I'll consider them all!

3. Please be active! I'm not asking for a lot, like last time, I'll be asking some opinions after the cast has been posted. Long opinions are not required, if you struggle with it. I've found the 'friends or not' strategy to be actually enough for me, so this time, I'll just be asking 'positive, neutral, conflicted, or negative' for each character. Feel free to add more specific interaction points to make it more realistic! 

4. Please be patient. I'm not patient myself, so you can bet I'll be working on this relentlessly, however, I don't always have free time. Updates do not have a schedule, it never worked for me and probably won't this time as well.

5. Forms have to be neat! I do not want to see different comments on each part of the form. I want one comment and replies underneath if your form is too long. I do not mind aesthetic fonts as long as they're readable. If your form is unreadable, then I will ask you to do it again.

6. Don't be afraid to give criticism, advice, or general feedback! I'm not especially good at writing, and English is not my first language, so if any native or better writers want to improve my writing, go on! Just be polite.

7. If you want to be either the Impostor or Shapeshifter, PM me! Do not include it in your form. If you are applying for both these roles, you HAVE to create a backstory that applies to both Impostor and Crewmember! However, for Shapeshifter, the backstory will be further detailed privately later.

8. First password is 'LGBTQ SUPREMACY', second password is your favorite season.


- You can reserve a spot, HOWEVER, if your form takes too long and I get a reply fast enough, I will start. I will message you if someone applies before you can finish your form, you can finish it and I'll choose between the two of you. If you're dropping out, please tell me! 

- At most two characters are allowed for each applier.

-There's no deadline for now! I will notify you if the deadline is updated.

-Amount of people I will be accepting are 15 altogether, with two minor roles. 

Questions here!!

[ .. file closing .. ]

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