FILE 01. the unbelievable invitation

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It arrived in the mail, one early Saturday. Azira, more commonly known as 'Azi', was dragging herself out of bed, bleary-eyed and tired. It was 6 A.M., but Azi had to wake up because she was going to Mira HQ for yet another day of training. Azi had joined the Young Astronaut Program.

She noticed a letter lying on the doormat, addressed to her. She opened it and it read:

Miss Azira Lyvington:

  We are pleased to announce that you have been chosen to be a part of The Airship's first ever launch. We have noticed that your performance in Y.A.P. (Young Astronaut Program) is extraordinary, and you fit all the requirements. 

  You must arrive at Mira HQ at 7 A.M. on the 13th of July, and you cannot be late. You will be boarding the Airship, and living on the Airship for three weeks, along with twelve other crewmembers and one pilot and one chef. You will be assigned a room along with one of the other crewmembers. Your job is to complete tasks on the Airship each day, report back to Mira HQ each week, and to test out the Airship's functions.

  The following things are required:

  Identity card | Mira HQ Y.A.P. Member Card | Passport 

  The other things to pack are up to you. Keep in mind that except for living quarters, water, and food, Mira HQ will not provide anything else. 

  Our staff will explain more in detail that day. We hope to see you on Wednesday. If you do not wish to participate, please notify us before the 5th of July. Thank you.


Azi stared in shock at the letter. She couldn't believe her eyes. No, this had to be a dream. There was no way she was actually invited to board the Airship, and being one of the first! She pinched herself hard. It hurt, a lot.

'Unbelievable.' She thought. Then, she grinned widely and screamed,"YES!" She was so excited! Her summer would have been super boring, not anymore now. She calmed herself down with a deep breath, but she couldn't contain her smile. 'Grandpa would've been so proud of me." She thought, as her smile drooped a bit, remembering the dreary funeral and the black-clad people, putting her Grandpa inside the earth...

She shook her head. She shouldn't focus on the past, she should be looking forward to boarding the Airship! She ran to her room and started packing.


Azi ran on the streets, weaving through crowds of people--ugh, she hated crowds, but apparently it's very busy at 6:30 A.M.--her legs working like a well-oiled machine. It was part of her 'running routine', to keep herself fit. She smiled as she skidded to a stop in front of the towering building. It was Mira HQ. Azi looked up, shielding her eyes from the sunlight. The building was so tall it poked right through the fluffy clouds.

She caught her breath as she walked calmly into the building, dragging along her duffel bag and suitcase. A staff member noticed her and gestured her over,"Are you Miss Azira Lyvington?" The woman asked. Azi winced, she hated her first name and preferred her nickname. "Yeah. I'm supposed to be part of the Airship launching, I think?"

'Please don't tell me it's a joke, please don't tell me it's a joke..' Azi was thinking over and over in her head. "Come this way." Azi grinned. She was led to a waiting room where tables and comfortable chairs were placed everywhere. The walls were colored a pleasant yellow. "Please wait until the others arrive." said the woman, then she left.

Azi's eyes darted around the empty waiting room. She had always been one to arrive earlier than expected, even if she wasn't a morning person. Azi sat down and began to absently tap her foot on the ground. She was too excited to be sitting down quietly and waiting. She hated waiting.

She grabbed a random newspaper from the nearest table. Normally, she hated reading, but she was too bored. She opened it and started reading. 


The headline read. It caught Azi's attention and she flipped to the next page, where it continued:

Nexus Blake, who was rescued by Space Rescue Team a while ago after being stranded on Polus for nearly a week, was recently put into custody, then a mental hospital, for lying to authorities. After being rescued, Nexus claimed that feared species Impostors had left Polus. 

"An Impostor was among us but they're dead. And... there's no more Impostors on Polus, they've left." said Nexus. However, when 12 explore teams were sent to Polus, they were reported missing after one week of no activity or any kind of attempted communication with Mira HQ. It was later found out that Impostors have killed the crewmembers. According to Mira HQ, Impostors sent a message through Communication on Polus that they have indeed killed the explore teams. 

Nexus was later arrested, charged for 'lying to authorities' and 'causing intentional murder'. The court later sent him to a mental hospital after his lawyer argued Nexus had brain injury and mental trauma after the distressing events of him being stranded on an alien planet. That was what led to the unintentional deaths of explore teams. 

'Well, that's interesting.' thought Azi. She shivered as she remembered the stories her grandfather used to tell her about the Impostors, and how they'd killed off half of her grandpa's crewmembers. 'They were ruthless and merciless,' said her grandfather,"Don't ever trust them."

Luckily, there would be no Impostors on the Airship. It was a new base, and Mira HQ had chosen the crew carefully. Azi was confident that nothing would go wrong. Suddenly, a random thought popped into her mind. There would be thirteen teenagers on the ship, along with two staff members of Mira HQ. Depending on the culture, thirteen was an unlucky number... did it mean anything?

'Probably not. It's just a coincidence." Azi reassured herself. She looked up and realized everyone else had arrived. She stood up. Scanning the room, she saw a few people that she recognized, Estella Emerson, or Evelyn Wright. They were part of the Young Astronaut Program and apparently, they were part of this crew. 

A man dressed in neat white clothes stepped into the room. He had sandy blonde hair and was holding a clipboard. "I see you're all here." The man says as he does a quick scan of the room,"Come this way. You're about to meet the Airship." The man grins.

Azi and the others were led down a hallway. They reached a metal door with a lock. The man entered a password and it swung open automatically. Warm air rushed through the open door, and they stepped out to a huge balcony, where teams of people were hurriedly working. Piles of paperwork were laid out of tables, while a giant set of computers was set up on the other side of the balcony. 

And right in front of their eyes, anchored to Mira HQ, was the giant red Airship. Azi gasped in wonder. It was humongous, and strangely majestic. There were several windows on the side of the Airship, glinting in the sunlight. There was a symbol of the CEO of Mira HQ on the side, supposedly the one that had started this whole thing.

"Is this where you control the Airship?" Azi asked the man. "No, this is just temporary. It's easier to monitor the Airship's launch where we can see it with our own eyes. We've got a control station inside." The man answered.

The man stepped forward and turned back to the crew.

"Welcome to the Airship!"


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