FILE 05. we're all suspicious here

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[ .. file opened .. ]



Everyone stared at Willie. Frozen in shock, no one moved for a while, until Evelyn stepped back in fear. Falling to her knees, she started crying. Kari immediately moved to her side, comforting her,"It's going to be fine, Ev." But she looked just as pale.

Willie was once again on the verge of tears. Knowing that he'd brought the crew this much panic, he was about to break down. "I-I'm sorry... I don't-" stammered Willie. 

"If-if that is true... then..." Katie said in a low voice, her breathing rapid,"Oh, my..." John was shaking his head repeatedly, he choked out,"I'm so sorry-" "Hey." Nab walked over to John,"Dude, it's not your fault that Estella's dead. If anything, it's the impostor's fault." She trailed off in the end. 

"Not his fault?"demanded Koen suddenly,"If he told me that the report button would make Estella disappear, then she could have been saved! We could have known for sure if there's really an Impostor among us!" He slammed a hand onto the table, making Nab flinch. Nab hurriedly said,"Chill out, man-"

"Everyone,"said Zakar in a desperate tone,"Calm down!" No one listened. Kari was already frantically checking her map, and saying to Evelyn,"Look, we can rule out suspects, because there's no way some of them could have gone to Communication that fast. Don't worry, we're going to find out who killed Stella." Evelyn looked up at her with a pained expression on her face,"How is it that easy? Impostors can get around using vents and stuff."

"Ohh right..."gasped the demigirl,"Well then, let's get a map of the vent system!" But Evelyn was already edging away,"Then how do I know you're not an impostor?" 

"But I'm not!" insisted Kari. 

"Guys!" Zakar shouted loudly again,"Zakar has something to say, please calm down first!" He said. Azi heard their voice distinctly, quiet against the pandemonium in the room. She tapped Aline's and Sunni's shoulder, motioning to Zakar frantically trying to get everyone to quiet down. They nodded. 

Slowly, the crewmates quieted down. "It isn't as bad as you think." Zakar explained hurriedly,"It could just be an accident, maybe she slipped, and fell..." However, as Zakar went on, they seemed unconvinced by themselves too. "B-Besides, it was dark, so how do we know it's really what they saw?" Some started nodding, agreeing with their words. 

"But-!" Koen started, and Zakar nodded, motioning for him to go on. Koen hesitated, then muttered,"Never mind.." Zakar waited a little while longer before continuing,"And now that, um, she's gone, we can't make sure what happened to her, of course."

"But if we're worrying over something that didn't happen, then we're just going to be paranoid this entire trip." Zakar said. Some color returned to John's face, as well as others. Zakar looked around, the room was quiet. 

"I'm sorry about Estella," John said quietly,"I- I'm so stupid." 

"That doesn't change anything," Chloe scowled,"You killed her, John."

A look of shock and hurt flashed on John's face, before he looked down, clenching his fists. "Hey. Let's not go so far." Nab said sternly. 

"What about the fact that we're all so... young? Isn't it weird?" Seb questioned, frowning.

John interjected,"Mira WANTS this to go well. What, you think that they did this without thinking it through?" The crewmembers shuffled uncomfortably. "Obviously you'd defend Mira, since your dad is the CEO and all." Katie scoffed silently to herself. However, John heard it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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