Chapter 49 - The Mother of Nations

Start from the beginning

"This is Ura, your wet nurse," Eveline informed her. "Her baby was born the same day as Ghiraxen."

Rhoz was about to protest that she had no need of a wet nurse, then realized that Eveline was offering her freedom that she had thought impossible.

"May I leave Ghiraxen here with you?" she asked.

Eveline smiled. "Of course. You have much to do."

As if drawn by a magical spell, Rhoz returned to the Great Hall, telling herself that it was only for a little while. Between prayers and rune chants, Kaia reported on the progress of the battle as her simulacrum witnessed it. Halgrim's generals sent several waves of black soldiers followed by the forces of Peregret, holding back their mages and elite troops. The dragon disposed of a multitude of enemy warriors, but left plenty of work for the swords of Dys. Alyx was matching the Northlander strategy and holding his own mages in reserve.

Rhoz could not tear herself away, even to eat. Each time Kaia began to speak, her heart leaped into her mouth, fearful of what she would hear. Urammin was wounded in the leg, leaped into the path of the dragon's fire, and returned to battle strengthened and healed. Alyx, Alyn, and Utor remained unscathed. As the ranks of the dead swelled, Rhoz whispered Hekla's charms for their safe transition to the Realm of Mysteries.

The black soldiers fell quickly, generating an outburst of rejoicing. Rhoz did not share in the enthusiasm, realizing that the soulless ones were expendable, sent to tire the defending forces. The army of Peregret put on a better show, but eventually retreated before a massive onslaught of birds. A mounted contingent from Akynadar followed, but was thrown into chaos when their horses were struck with a sudden madness, throwing and trampling their riders. The survivors scampered back into Peregret. In the ensuing lull, the bodies of the slain were piled up to be incinerated by the dragon, while the warriors assessed the damage, inspected the barrier for new breaches, and tended their wounds. The women began cooking the evening meal over their campfires.

After a final prayer, Kaia retired, giving way to Ilythia, whose simulacrum would keep the night watch at the garrison.

The tightness in Rhoz' breasts reminded her of Ghiraxen. She found him awake and hungry. Ura had picked him up and was about to nurse him. Rhoz took the baby from her and put him onto her own breast with a sigh of contentment. Except for the coronation ceremony, she had never been separated from him in his short life. Ura immediately picked up her own infant daughter, who was crying for attention. Rhoz smiled at her sympathetically, imagining how she would feel if she were required to nurse another's child before tending to her own.

Only five babies remained -- the others had been taken away by their mothers. Two were orphans, fed on goat's milk to supplement whatever surplus the nursing mothers were willing to share. Eveline was sitting in a corner away from the activity, nursing her daughter, her eyes heavy with fatigue.

"Are you spending the night here?" Rhoz asked.

"No -- I will be in my own bed tonight. Ura and I are taking turn about."

Rhoz briefly described the day's fighting. Eveline was too seasoned in war to harbour any illusions.

"What will we do if they break through?" Eveline asked.

"It seems safest to stay here. Muktar's men were not able to breach the fortress even when it was empty." It was not what Alyx had advised, but her knowledge of the subterranean chambers in the heart of the mountain, coupled with the Cloak of Darkness, would probably keep her safer in the fortress than taking her chances outside in the snow.

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