"Is there something you want to let us in on Stefan?" She asked him. He shook his head and sat down. She looked up at Klaus with a knowing look.

       "I guess we wait until they wake up," She said. She walked over and sat down on the rock she had claimed to be her own and Klaus wandered over all the dead werewolves.

       The sun was starting to set and Ray had finally woke up. Klaus had a small smirk on his face. He took the human and pushed him to the ground so he could feed and complete the transition. When he did, he just sat there. Seraphina walked over and looked him over.

       "Niklaus? He doesn't look good," She said. When Klaus kneeled down to inspect him, Ray's eyes started to bleed.

       "What is happening to you?" He asked, mainly to himself. Suddenly, Ray started to turn.

       "Something's wrong," She said. Klaus gently pushed her away from Ray, knowing if she got bit it would be a painful experience. When suddenly, Ray vanished.

       "You go fetch him. I'll deal with the rest of them," Klaus said. Stefan ran off after him and Seraphina stood next to Klaus.

       "The ritual didn't work," She said, running her hands through her hair. Klaus shook his head.

       "No, that can't be. Maybe something was wrong with his bloodline. We will have to wait and see for the rest of them," He said. They waited for the rest of them to wake up. Klaus paced back and forth and Seraphina sat on the ground thinking. The ritual should have worked. He killed all three and was able to turn at will.

       The rest of them started to wake up and they fed, completing the transition. They monitored them and checked for any signs it wasn't working. When all of their eyes started to bleed and they were dying, Seraphina and Klaus killed them. Seraphina sighed and ran her hands through her hair.

       "I don't understand, I checked her pulse and she didn't have one. The ritual should have been complete," She said. Klaus looked pissed. They both were frustrated and tired. Stefan came back with a dead Ray and dropped him on the ground.

       "I need some of your blood," He said and revealed the bite on his arm which looked pretty bad. Seraphina walked up to him.

       "Why didn't it work? He did everything he was told. What did you do?" She asked angrily. Stefan just looked at her.

       "I didn't do anything. How am I supposed to know why it didn't work?" He asked. She shook her head at him. She went to hit him, but Klaus stopped her.

       "Now now, Love. No need to get physical. We will get to the bottom of this," He said softly and gave Stefan some of his blood. They left the bodies there and walked back down the mountain. They got in the car and Klaus started to drive away.

       "Now what do we do?" She asked. Klaus sighed.

       "Now, we are going to meet an old friend in Chicago who can help us with this problem," he said. She looked at him.

       "Like a witch friend?" She asked. He nodded his head.

       "I can do whatever you need, all you need to do is ask," She said. Klaus chuckled at her.

       "Love, I am not going to turn into Elijah and Damon and use you for your magic. I still have contacts and I will use them until they are of no use to me anymore. If something occurs where I need a witch immediately and no one is available then I will ask you. Until that happens I will not ask you," He said. He didn't mean it in a rude way.

        "I just want to be helpful, Niklaus," She said. He looked at her and then reached over and patted her thigh.

       "Love, you are being useful. Being here with me is helping," He said. She smiled at him and laid her head back. She looked over at Klaus and admired him. She always noticed how different he was with her than to other people. He let his guard down around her. She noticed how his eyes softened when he looked at her and the way he relaxed when he was around her.

        Klaus looked over at her and she looked away with a blush. He chuckled at her. A scoff was heard from the backseat.

       "Is there something in your throat? Want something to wash it down?" Klaus asked and threw a blood bag in the backseat. A snap was heard which meant Stefan was drinking it.

        "You know, one thing I want to know is why you put on child gloves to deal with her, even when she's being reckless. But with everyone else you either kill or dagger them," Stefan asked.

       "It's as I said before I have a soft spot for her," He said.

       "Yeah and that's all you say, but I think there's another reason as to why and you won't tell me," He said. Klaus looked over at Seraphina. Almost asking if he could tell him.

       "When Niklaus found out who I was and where I came from he protected me from everyone and everything. Sometimes my accent would slip out and people would question me where I was from. Niklaus was there to answer all those questions. When a rumor, that was actually true, spread that I was a Norse woman Niklaus put an end to it. When I found out that he was keeping his word about protecting me, I did the same for him. Any time his father would try and hit him, I would step in and dissolve the situation. In turn, showing him I would protect him," She explained.

       "If that's true then why did you and Elijah get together instead of you two in the beginning?" Stefan asked.

       "Because we thought it would be better to be friends than lovers," She said. Klaus and her shared a look. He looked down and then back at the road.

       "You know, Elijah still loves you," Stefan said. She let out a sarcastic laugh.

       "Yeah he confessed he loved me and then stuck a dagger through my heart because I love Niklaus," she said.

       "You let her leave and never daggered her, why?" Stefan asked Klaus. She saw Klaus grit his teeth.

       "Because, I wanted her to have a life of her own. She had always told me how she wanted to travel and see things she never had before and I wasn't ready to move on with my crusade. So, instead of making her stay with me, I let her leave and continue her life," He said.

        "Okay well, enough of the reminiscing please. I'm tired and want some sleep," She said. Klaus chuckled at her and the car stayed silent. Klaus put on some music at a low volume and she leaned back in the seat, trying to get comfortable. It was a long ride to Chicago and she didn't want to stay awake the rest of the way. She closed her eyes and let the music lull her to sleep. 

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