24.Politics? No thanks

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The strong stinky odor of the trenches woke Nadeeya up from the unending nap she has been taking. She opened her eyes slowly adjusting to the intensity of light in the place she is. With her head throbbing and threatening to fall off,she managed to get grip of the stand that's just standing a few inches a way from her. After a bit of struggle she finally stood up but was back to her initial position due to the sharp pain that traveled from her back to her lower abdomen down her now fragile legs.

She tried calling for help but her own voice deceived her.She coughed out the liquid that just choked her. Flying her hands up to her mouth to cover up from the dirt around but was welcomed by a strong metallic taste.
She made an effort to stand but dizziness took over.Her throat burnt due to dryness and all there is was blood for her to swallow. Even though her head is spinning real fast she tried to maintain her balance with the support of the wooden structure placed beside her.

"Sir she is awake!" She heard a man's voice behind the door she is trying to reach and immediately stopped right there.

Unsure of what do,she squatted down not allowing the darkness to take over. A sharp pain stroke her making her cringe.

The door made an irritating squeaky sound before closing.
Scared that the person will harm her,she shot her eyes closed hugging her legs to her chest.

"Please don't hurt my baby please." She screamed to herself,but to the man standing right on top of her,she was just whispering.

"Take." He said and passed a cup of water to her. She glanced at the man then the cup,her whole self does not trust the man but there is nothing she can do about it,her throat burns and she needs the water.
Glancing one last time at the cup,she collected it and took a sip,then another.
Drink Nadeeya,you have already tasted it,you would have died if that was poison. A voice in her head said. And it's right so she gulped the rest of  it down. It's not her thirst will kill.

The man's phone rang and he went out of the room a minute after she was done drinking the water.
She used that to her advantage,shutting the door up using the key connected to it. Amidst the dark and ugly scent of the room,Nadeeya rushed to the window only to find it locked. She picked up the wooden stick by the side and hit the window hard until the glass is all broken. She looked through it until to find herself miles away from the floor.

"Shit!" She muttered under her breath. Giving up was her only choice at the time but you know when you are on the verge of crying then suddenly a miracle happened,a miracle like Cinderella's Fairy godmother? That's how Nadeeya felt when she saw a rope folded in circle under the bed. She pulled it out,tied one end to the bed end and the other around her waist. it's time to feel how the Indian movie heroes are feeling.

A firm,decisive rap at the door halted Nadeeya from putting her legs behind the window. She paused when she heard the continuous kick against the door. Cautiously,she put one leg out.

GBAAM! The door opened widely.

"If you move we shoot." The Man she saw earlier came with a group of men behind him.
She hesitated,then with a shrug she moved away from the window.
Noticing the look in their eyes,she detected fear but not sure of what. Maybe from her trying to escape. Maybe a little charade won't hurt. She masked up her face with a fake bravery and walked towards them.
"And after shooting me then what? Huh? In fact who the hell is your boss? She or he is a coward,tell him that." She sat with her legs crossed on the bed edge.

The room went silent,Nadeeya's labored breathing and the men's silent growls is all that is heard,waiting for the order,because with just that,they can finish her up.
A man in his probably mid thirties entered ,perfectly shaved beard sat on his face with his caramel brown skin glowing like freshly melted chocolate.

Tambura:A Royal Saga. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora