23.Trouble in paradise.

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August is a miserable month of grey skies and pouring rain;a month of umbrellas and galoshes,forlorn and solitary walks along muddy lanes and sodden towpaths,a month in which the chill of autumn descended before the full glory of summer had bloomed.

Nadeeya walked up the lanes of Fari island alone;letting the rain drop on her skin. After the little fight she had with Abdoul,she decided against going back to their room. She never expected him to keep his past relationships from her because they promised to be transparent to each other and now she is finding out about Gina.

She sniffed back the mucus in her nose feeling the cold rain drops inside her bones. Maybe Maama is right,a man can love you like craze and still be out there with another woman but it's not his fault this time,they weren't even together when he had a thing with Gina and now she is married even.

She wiped away her tears and laughed at herself. The hormones are really messing with her head and it's even his birthday in 45minutes.

She walked towards the hotel reception to collect the cake she has ordered and took it to the pool side where she requested a decoration,a sleepover decoration for couple to be precise.

Making sure everything is in place,she checked her phone to only see it's just ten minutes away from 12am so she quickly cleaned her face and walked back to their en-suite.

She found him sitting on the bed talking to Maama on the phone,so she tiptoed into the room making no noise that will drag his attention towards her. She took a quick bath and wore the shorts and baggy shirt he loves seeing her in,then sprayed his favorite perfume mixture on her,beyond seduction and body magic then walked towards him on bed. Yes,he is done with the call but his attention is still on the phone.
In other to get his attention,she cleared her voice,standing a few steps away from him. He raised his head with his eyes on hers and the scent filling his nostrils.


She moved until she is standing just beside him,stretched her hands forward and he understood her so he slid his hands into hers and followed her like a child following his mom in the market in other to not get lost.

They walked down the empty streets of the island in a comfortable silence and in two minutes they arrived at the decorated venue.
She dragged him to the middle of the place and placed her two hands on his broad chest staring right into his.
"Hey baby boy."
He maintained the gaze and said nothing,he can't help but think she doesn't trust him now that they are married and he promised her,he promised to tell her whatever after marriage even though he knows he is wrong about Yusrah but Gina,He stopped associating with her after they started talking before the proposal. And honestly to say he is hurt with her words is an understatement.

"I am sorry. I am sorry for saying all that I promise I don't mean any of it. I am sorry baby. I promise to listen first before reacting on anything." She said with her eyes glossy but no,she is not going to let the tears fall,not on his birthday.

"And Happy 28th birthday Baby, Baby Nads and Little baby peanut loves you so much."

Unable to hide his feelings,Abdoul engulfed her into a bone crushing hug.

"I love you too. And it's really okay,we are not perfect neither is our marriage. It's going to be okay...we are going to be okay." He said right before releasing them both from the hug.

"And you are cute Baby Nads." He poked her nose smiling a little too wide for a normal person.

"Thank you. And we are watching Damon slayer prettty pleaseeee!" Nadeeya whined. She knows very well how Anime is not his thing and all the efforts she has been trying to put on him to start liking Anime has gone futile.

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