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It's been seven days since Amina's demise and nobody have been normal since then,the palace's tension was thick since then but Alhamdulillah they're all trying to move on.
"Assalam Alaikum." Baba said entering Maama's room,he smiled at the sight of her,for the first time in seven days,she's finally having a deep sleep.
He went and sat by the edge of the bed,reminiscing about their past moments,when they met and how their love story started. Indeed,she's a really beautiful woman and patience and loyalty and everything positive.
She moved a bit before opening her eyes.
"Hello." She said opening her eyes fully,her voice raspy due to the sleep.
"Hey baby girl." He replied.
If there's anything he still find amusing by her is her shyness,nothing has tainted it since they met and he loves that.
"Since when have you been here?" She asked. Moving her neck to the left sight,adjusting her shirt.
Using his hands to push back the strand of hair that fall from her bun,he replied.
"A couple of minutes back."
"Oh okay,it's time for dinner,let's go and eat."She said getting up from her sleeping position.
"I've something to discuss before we go please." He stated.
"Sure sure." She got back to sit by his side,placing her hands on his,squeezing it a bit for reassurance.
"Ajiya informed me that the accident wasn't natural." He started and to his surprise,she didn't over-react. Because the normal Maama he knows will start crying and freaking out because some people out there are targeting her kids.
"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun." She kept reciting silently for almost two minutes before signaling him to continue.
"And the attack was meant to kill Abdoul-jabbar and they got the wrong target." He said then stopped.
"Who's trying to do that to us fisabilillah?"She asked no one in particular.
"They're still investigating but they're after him because they think he's next to me,next king after me." He added,his face falling,sad enough for his wife to detect.
"I feel this Royal life is not for us Aisha,now they're after my son,the only son I have and they've killed my last child already,now I'll have to live in fear of them attacking anytime and which child will they take again or even if they'll come after you." He added,and for the first time after the first day Amina died,he cried,just that this time is different,he's actually breaking down,crying in his wife's arms,his only source of peace.

The thing about people is that,they overestimate the strong people out there,throwing whatever problems they've towards them. We don't know the pain they're keeping deep inside until you're part of them. The pain,sadness,agony and whatever it is behind that strong happy face is what people don't usually see.

"It's going to be alright kaji?" She whispered. She's not trying to stop him from crying, she's just re-assuring him that it's going to be alright.
She let him cry for minutes before he let go.
He went and washed his face in the bathroom before taking a hot bath and changing into a comfortable dress,not Gare and Alkyabba (Royal throb).
She pecked him on his forehead,re-assuring each other,they head out to the dining table.
"Dee,it's like you're adding weight fa." Maama said to lighten the mood in the dining. They all decided to have dinner with them.Mama shatu,Munir ,khalifa,Abdoul,Khadijah and Nadeeya since they're the only ones left. They all left today after sadakan bakwai.
"Aikode." Munir agreed and they all laughed.
"I know this is really saddening for us," baba started.
"But we've to know,this is a test for us from Allah,and feeling sad and we won't be doing ourselves good for not being lively as we used to be. Allah Yabamu Hakurin rashi kuma Yajikanta." He said and they're all whispered Ameen before they started eating.
They ate in silence before they finished with Alhamdulillah.
Mama shatu stayed with her brother and his wife for an hour and a half before deciding it's time she leaves for Mami's chamber. Ofcourse not without Maama requesting for her to sleep with them in their chamber.

"Hey." Khadijah said walking into the balcony in Mami's chamber.
Khalifa turned,the scared expression on his face clearly showing he's not to be trusted.
"Hey." He replied,his voice raspy as he tried to hide the pills in his hands.
"It's alright,when did it start?" She smiled,sitting on the chair beside his.
"Four days." Looking down the floor,clearly embarrassed.
"You know,I'm not judging you for using drugs as your coping mechanism because I was once there." She started stretching her hands forward to him.
"Let me see." She said and he passes the sachet and the already peeled out pills.
"Fentanyl." She said silently.
"You know it's side effects?" She asked and he nodded his head no.
"Extreme happiness,it's not the only one but it's one of them." She said.
"I know." He replied.
"I just can't get over her,its paining,the pain gets to me every hour,every minute and every second. I can't stay a second without thinking of her." His broken voice speaking out,he let the tears fall,staining his cheeks. The normal khalifa will not cry in front of anybody,he'll mask it up and leave,but with this pain,he couldn't just do that.
"Come here." She said hugging him and he let her,hugging her back so tight,crying the pain out.
"I know I can't replace her but can you give this elder sister of yours a chance to be your new best friend?" She said after minutes of crying.
"I can try." He said using his palms to wipe out the excess tears on his cheeks.
"I promise I like carrot cake too and see no reason someone will cook with curry." She said and they all chuckled. He smiled sadly,remembering the time Amina told him about her hating curry.

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