16. Discoveries and heartbreaks

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The moon was quick to go,Nadeeya thought. It was a very short night for her because all she did was overthink even though she slept in her safe haven; that's Abdoul's arms but for once that didn't help at all.

And she didn't bring the topic about her parents up to anyone since she arrived,it's been eating her up and all she's doing is trying to not ruin the moment and for now she's just waiting for Mami to bring up the topic herself.

"A penny for your thought"

Startled by the sudden presence of her beloved she quickly jumped until she is on the bean bag.

"Good morning babe,don't sneak in on me again please,this heart is fragile." She whispered folding her jilbab then the prayer mat she used.

"I won't,what's wrong with you? Tried speaking with Munir?what did he say is wrong because he has been avoiding me too." He slid his hands into his pocket then continue.
"Like,we usually stay side side every sallah and all of the sudden he went back to the back row today.I have no idea what's wrong with him."

"Maybe he needs more time,he'll get through with time." The said walking towards the coffee table because the last thing she wants to talk about is Munir,she is angry at him and sad that he is in that position.

"I want to talk about umma and Abba with Mami but she is avoiding the topic since I arrived."

"Let me." He collected the two mugs from her hands and proceeded in making their morning coffee as always.

"I guess it's my time to tell you she needs time. I believe she will bring it up and I am trying to talk to Baba about it too,even though not sure how to start."

The coffee right now is the only thing to calm them both down,Nadeeya to be precise because there are a lot of things on her plate currently and which to handle first is what she's yet to figure.

They both took a sip from their cups,relishing the mixture of flavors.


Abuja,Governor Badaru's house.

The well decorated parlor with high walls painted with golden and white paints,a huge golden chandelier dropping down in the middle of the parlor.

Hajiya Falmata,seated elegantly on the three seater facing the extra large screen with an Indian series film Twist of fate playing and the air conditioners giving enough ventilation in the parlor.

"Mama I really can't wear this,Wallahi it's suffocating me and can I please try burgers out today,heard my friends talking about it."
An exact replica of Hajiya Falmata walked down the stairs,only that she's taller and her hair is shorter,said trailing down the Mansion stair case with an expensive gaddle on her left hand.

"Yusrah nikam baki da hankali ne? Eh?"
Hajiya Falmata fired,using her well decorated hands to point towards her.

"You're wearing this, you're my daughter and Perfection should be your personality and burgers you say? You know how many calories is in that? If you add weight by any chance I don't know if I will be able to keep you by my side. Haba don Allah."

"Mama please,just this once,I just want to know how it taste, and I promise to burn it out,you have the monitoring chip in me already." She made an attempt to hold her mother's hands but her effort laid down flat.

"I said no and no,don't make me do anything we will both regret." She threw her hands away,her butt kissing the floor making a loud welp as she tried getting up.

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