Movie Night: Imagine 17 (Sadie Sink)

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"It will be okay. I'm here next to you"
You reassured Sadie whilst pressing play on a horror film. She gets scared really easily from stuff like this but as long as she was with you it wasn't as bad. You were sat on one end of the couch and Sadie on the other.

As you had watched this film multiple times, you knew there was a jump scare coming. So you opened your arms and prepared for Sadie to jump into them.
The popcorn she was holding jumped out of the box, just as you expected she leaped into your arms for safety.
You laughed, looking down into your lap where Sadie was led. Her face was filled with terror. As the film went on, she was literally clinging onto you. She was so close to you that you could feel her hot breath on your neck. You loved that she came to you for comfort.

Soon enough, the film had ended and Sadie relaxed her grasp around you.
"Let's get to bed" You suggested.
"Okay, but there's no way I'm sleeping tonight".

You rushed out of the living room and into the bathroom, leaving Sadie in the dark.
She said looking behind her back every now and then.
You could hear her next door, when you were brushing your teeth.
"Y/n? This isn't funny"
Her voice began to get shaky.

Sneakily, you crept out of the bathroom and grabbed Sadie's shoulders making her jump out of her skin. She turned to face you, a look of terror covered her face. Then you realised a small tear was sliding down her cheek.
"Noooo, I didn't mean to make you upset. I'm sorry bubs"
You pulled her into a apologetic squeeze and placed a few kisses on her head.
"I could of had a heart attack, and it would of been your fault" She laughed into your chest.

Swiftly, you picked her up so she was sitting on your hips.
"Let's get to bed. For real this time. I promise".

You both settled down into bed. Sadie still clung onto you, so you could keep her safe. She dug her head into the crook of your neck, you could feel her eyelashes tickle you every time she blinked. Normally, she would be asleep already but she probably couldn't sleep due to the film. You put your arm around her and caressed her hip with your thumb, you knew that your touch made her relaxed. Sadie began to ease until you could no longer feel her blink.

"Don't worry, your safe" You whispered. These were the last words Sadie heard before drifting asleep.

a/n - this is the last one I have, unless you guys request.
Thank you all so much for reading!


word count: 471 Words

Max Mayfield/Sadie Sink ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now