Billys Ex : Imagine 4 (Max Mayfield)

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POV - Billy broke up with his gf (which is Steve's twin sister) but she is really close with his younger sister max.

Although you knew your eyes were red from crying, you had to go see Max and tell her. You parked up outside her trailer and took some deep breaths to compose yourself before heading in. Only Max was home because Billy was still at work, but he would be home soon.

You wonder to the door and give it three light knocks to signal it was you. Max opened the door with a grin that began to fade when she saw your eyes. She never see's you like this. If anything it's the other way around.
"Hey. Hey, what's wrong? Come in." The redhead insisted.
You tried your best to explain but nothing came out except floods of tears.
"H- he.... broke up w- with me..." You sobbed.
Max pulled you in to tight hug.
"My brother is a dick, I know you loved him but trust me you didn't loose much" Max reassured. You giggled, which made Max slightly relieved that you didn't take it personal.
"It doesn't change anything can still come round. Don't dare even think about what Billy thinks to you coming round. He will just have to suck it up" Max stated.
"A- are you sure?"

As the conversation died down again, Max quickly headed over to the kitchen to get you a glass of water and some tissues. You knew she would do anything to comfort you even though there was a large age gap. This is why you loved her.
"Your going to be okay, I'm here" Max said walking back over from the kitchen.
"Here, drink this" She stated while giving you the glass of water she just prepared. You took some sips, that refreshed you and cured the headache that you didn't even notice was there.
"Thank you, I- I don't deserve you" You said looking down at your lap in embarrassment.
"My brother doesn't deserve you. You deserve the world" Max said softly.

She cupped her hand around your tear stained cheek and stroked her thumb against it, wiping your tears away. As you looked up, the redhead softly smiled and placed a kiss on your cheek.

For the rest of the evening, Max reassured you whilst playing with your hair and making jokes to try and cheer you up. She knew there wasn't much she could do but she tried her best to comfort you even if it wasn't perfect. But to you anything she did was more than perfect. You eventually cheered up and offered to go back to your house because Billy would be home soon and would probably be in a mood like he always was. Max didn't take long to agree to the idea. You both jumped into your car and made your way home.

"Don't worry about Steve by the way he already knows about me and Billy" You stated try to not tear up again for the hundredth time today.
"Okay good, so just a peaceful night at yours?" Max questioned
"Yes" you answered.

The rest of the journey was silent but not an awkward silence. You both were comfortable enough with each other that you didn't have to talk.

10 minutes after leaving Max's you both arrived at yours. Your parents weren't home, they never were and Steve was probably already asleep knowing you can look after yourself. You both spent the rest of the evening exchanging laughs and shit talking other people because that's all you and Max knew best.

As the night came to an end, you let Max have your bed and you slept on the floor. Which you didn't mind as Max has done so much for you that she deserved it. Max was unsure because she felt bad as it was your bed but you insisted. After a long day filled with tears, laughs and gossip, you both needed the relaxing sleep that waited ahead.


a/n - This one was a bit longer but I wanted to make sure that you guys understood how good of a friendship they had. I also think this is probably the best one I have done yet!

If you have any request's then please let me know.

Anyways, thank you for reading!

Word Count: 734 Words

Max Mayfield/Sadie Sink ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now