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season four,

episode nine: the piggyback part two

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episode nine: the piggyback
part two

LUCAS turned around as he noticed Pi was staring behind him. He stops, "shit." He says. "What the hell have you two done?" Jason asked them as he notices Max. "Jason. Please." Pi spoke.

"And you? We've..been friends for how many years?" "Jason. You can't be here." Lucas spoke, making sure he doesn't go anywhere near Pi. "Is this what you did to Chrissy?"

Jason bends towards Max, "hey." He calls out, ignoring Lucas telling him to leave. "Can..can you hear me?" He asked Max. "Jason, don't touch her." Pi walks up to him. "Jason, please.." He was about to pull him away until Jason stood back up to point his gun at him.

"Hey, back up! Back up!" He yells at him. Pi puts his arms up, Lucas getting in front of him. "Leave him alone." Lucas said. "You don't have to do this." Lucas began to say again. "I hope you're right."

Pi gulps, "please don't..Jason." He lets his arms down, looking at the floor. "Is there anyone else in the house?" He asks. "No. Just us." Lucas replies.

Jason looks at the boy behind Lucas. "Pi, I'm going to give you a choice. You come back to us, the team. We lock up Lucas and Eddie, your name won't be mentioned at all."

Pi immediately knew why he said this.

He scoffs quietly. "So you can make me pay for gas again?" He asks. "So I can rent out a movie theater for you guys? So I can buy all of your stupid fucking alcohol?" Pi explained. "No. I'm not going with you guys. You guys are the real killers, not Lucas..not Eddie."

Jason began to laugh, dying down as he realized he was being serious. "So, what? You'd rather die with this killer?" Pi took a deep breath. "Then here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna walk to the edge of those stairs and I'm gonna watch you wake up her up from whatever the hell this is."

Lucas knew he can't. Max needed to be in here a bit longer. So, this wasn't good at fucking all.

Eddie, Dustin, and Fah all had their backs to each other. They turn, hearing and looking for the demo bats. However, they stopped. This made Dustin yell out loud, "Hey, dipshits! Give up that easy, huh?"

Eddie shushes him, "is that really necessary?" He asked before they all look at the ceiling. "They're on the roof." Fah spoke. They slowly walk, following the noise of the critters fucking with the roof.

"They can't get through there, can they?" Dustin asks nervously. Before he could answer, the demo bats did go through there. The three yell in fear before quickly stabbing the bats with the spears.

𝐌𝐘 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄, eddie munson ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now