Chapter 27

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(Just a short chapter :>)

Natasha puts on the password for the door, and the door opens.

"TO YOUR LEFT! YOUR LEFT!" Cooper shouted.

Well, it looks like they're playing Fortnite again. Lila is using her headphone and listening to music while she reads. Nate is painting something.

Natasha smiled, "Hey guys," she greeted them, sitting next to Peter.

"Hey," They all said together.

"Hey mom," Peter mumbled, obviously busy with the game.

"Aren't you guys tired yet?" She asked them.

"Kind of," Nate answered.

Natasha smiled, "what are you painting, Nate?" She asked him.

"A plane," he answered happily.

Natasha looks at the clock, "You guys will go straight to bed after that game, okay?" She told them.

"Yes, ma'am," they all answered.

Natasha chuckles, she stayed with them till the game match finished.

"YESS!" Morgan shouted.


Natasha laughs, "High five, Morg," She said and they high five.

"Not fair, they were targeting me," Peter said pouting.

"Better luck next time bro," She said.

"I'm tired, I can't feel my hands," Cassie said wiggling her hands.

"Okay, it's 10 pm, let's all go to sleep," Natasha said standing up.

"Okay," Lila said, turning her headphone off and leaving them at the charging station. She then held onto the book she was reading, Nate cleaned the brush and his hands as he puts away the art supplies. Cooper and Peter put the controllers back in their places.

"Are they all asleep?" Morgan asked.

"Pretty much," Natasha answered.

"Okay, good night, kiddos," Natasha said as they got to the floor.

"Good night!" The Barton kids, Cassie, and Morgan replied going into their room.

"Mom, you don't need to tuck me in," Peter said as they both walked toward Peter's bedroom.

"I'm not, I'm just going to walk you into your bed," She said smiling.

"You've grown so fast," she said messing his hair.

Peter smiled, "I am a man now, Captain America said that I'll be a good man!" He said, happily.

Natasha hummed, "You guys seem like getting closer each time you guys talk to each other," Natasha said.

"Well, he actually finds me very interesting and cool!" Peter said as he opens the door to his bedroom.

"Oh, that's really great," Natasha replied smiling.

"Good night, mom,  love youuu," Peter said smiling as he hugs her mom.

"Good night, love you more, мой маленький принц," she told him, hugging him back.

Peter then felt something, he pulled away and closed his eyes.

"Peter?" Natasha called him.

"Peter!" She shouted, shaking him, she start to get worried.

Peter focused on his senses, he then got it, "THEY'RE HERE!" He shouted.

It was too late, the whole compound was bombed. Everything went black.

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