Chapter 7

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Peter's POV

We went to eat lunch and then we decided to watch a movie together. And now we're going back to the compound. Today is a cool day! Except for the fact that I got suspended.

I love bonding with my mom and what's even fun today? Is that we bonded with CAPTAIN AMERICA! My mom knows how much I love Captain America too! I love all avengers. I wish that we could bond more. I also wish we could all bond like all of the people that are part of the Avengers family. I am kind of like an introvert so I only really love bonding with the people I love. Maybe we should all go on a vacation and-

My thoughts got interrupted by my mom.

"Peter, we're here. Why don't you go and was up first? Then finish your homework before our movie night later." My mom suggested.

I nodded, "Sure mom" I said getting out of the car.

"See you guys later!" I shouted.

"See you later, Peter!" Captain America said smiling.

"See you later sweetie," My mom said smiling too.

I was finishing my homework when my spider sense or what my family calls them "Peter tingle" told me that someone walked into my room.

"Morgan, I know you're here." I said focusing on my homework.

"Damn it.." She whispered but I heard her.

"Can Aunt Nat teach me how to be a spy? It's like so hard to sneak up on you!" Morgan said laying down on my bed.

I chuckled at her.

"Don't worry sis, You'll learn it eventually," I said smiling.

"By the way, me and the others did something to Flash's locker," Morgan said and I turn around to face her.

I crossed my arms, "What did you guys do?" I asked in a very serious voice.

"Well, he's the reason why you got suspended so why not prank him?" Morgan said trying to not laugh.

"What kind of prank?" I asked, I remember every prank we did.

"Cooper put lots of Frogs, like the toad kind of frog. But Me, Lila, and Mj put lots of slimes first before Cooper put those toads." Morgan said chuckling.

"Well, I am annoyed at what he did but he doesn't deserve that kind of prank," I said turning back to my homework.

"Oh c'mon! You're being this nice, sweet, and kind boy again!" Morgan said and I chuckled.

"Have you ever wondered about who your dad is?" Morgan asked me.

"I do, almost every time," I said wondering who my father is.

"Your father might be sweet, kind, and nice. Also, when are you gonna tell them that you're that spidey boy?" Morgan asked me sitting up on my bed.

I sigh, "I don't know...but maybe sooner because I don't like hiding secrets from my Mom." I said.

"Okay, bye now bro, See you laterrr," Morgan said, and then she walked out of my room.

Nat's POV

"Hey Nat," Wanda greeted me.

"Oh hey Wands," I said smiling.

"Tony said we'll be having a music event thingy after the new year," Wanda said looking back to her phone.

"Well, we all know I'm not joining," I said getting myself a drink. We're in the main room if you're wondering.

"Nope, everyone is joining whether they like it or not," Wanda said in a serious voice.

"Oh please, I can-" I was cut off by Wanda.

"Those avengers who refuse to join will get a punishment," Wanda said smirking.

"What punishment...?" Nat asked Wanda.

"No mission for 1 month and in that month you'll only be the person behind the desk.

"WHAT?!?!" I shouted.

"THAT'S SOOO UNFAIR!" I shouted again then the others walk in the main room.

"Mom, why are you shouting?" My son asked me with so much concern.

"Nothing, it's just some-" I was cut off by Wanda, again.

"She doesn't wanna join the music event so I told her the punishment," Wanda said and the others smirked including my son.

"C'mon mom! You actually sing great! Remember that one-" I cut off Peter by glaring at him

"Don't you dare say anything about it." I said to Peter.

"Okay," Peter said smiling.

"Don't need to keep it a secret Nat, we already heard you once or like twice," Tony said smirking.

"Yeah! You sing great Auntie!" Morgan and Lila both said.

"Thank you- wait how did you guys hear me sing?" I asked suspiciously.

"We heard you singing a song to lil Peter," Clint said getting himself a glass of orange juice.

"Oh damn it," I said scolding myself.

The elevator door opens and Sharon walked out of it.

"Hello," she said with a cute innocent smile.



We all greeted her nicely.

"Wait- why are you here? And how the hell did you get in here?" Tony asked Sharon.

"Uhm, Steve invited me and he gave me access to Friday for now," Sharon said.

"Ohhh" was echoed around the room.

"You can sit down, Sharon, while you wait for Steve," Pepper said.

"Oh okay, thank you," Sharon said sitting down somewhere far away from us, and then she starts using her phone.

I feel bad for her actually.

"Can we play now please?" The kids said using their puppy eyes.

"Oh god-" I said smiling.

"The power! I can't- we're losing!" Tony acted like he's dying.

We all chuckled at Tony.

"Why do you guys want to play? You guys are too old for it," Sam said.

"No- not like games for kids, we're going to play other games," Cassie said.

"By the way- where's your dad cassie?" Laura asked her.

"He's with the Pym family," Cassie said.


"Well, you guys can play now," Pepper said.

"Just be careful," I told them and they all nod their head and run towards the elevator.

I see all of them looking at me.

"What?" I asked them.

"You okay?" They asked me in a whisper.

"Wait- oh c'mon! Of course, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" I said in a duh tone.

"Don't tell me that you guys are asking me if I'm fine because of the "Steve" situation?" I asked them and they all nodded.

"We're both fine, we're friends again and I'm focused on my son," I said in a very serious voice.

"When are you gonna tell them the truth?" Bucky asked me.

"I don't know...maybe soon," I said with a sigh.

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