Chapter 3

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Peter's POV

"Hey guys!" I said while walking to our table.

"What's up loser" Mj said I rolled my eyes and I said "Whatever Mj".

We were eating our lunch when Flash started walking up to us.

"Uh oh Peter this ain't lookin good." Ned whisper to me. Then suddenly Flash slam his fist in the table and I did kinda flinch.

F: Ha! See he's just a loser, he flinch with me just slam the table so girls technically he's weak.

P: Are you sure about that?

F: Of course I am!

Lila: Flash stop it, all of us have to finish our lunch now I heard that our History teacher will be taking a long discussion and after that we have to continue our projects today so we better not waste our time on fighting because we need energy later.

All of the students groan.

"WHAT?!?! NO, I have a date with the Black Widow" Flas said which causes me to snort and spits my water then laugh so hard.

"What you laughing at Peter and you're disgusting." Flash said.

"Nothing, also just go away Flash" I said, It's funny to think that my mom will go out with you Flash? Nah that would be such a bad thing that will ever happen, I thought.

The day goes by and 30 more minutes I will be able to go home.

Steve's POV

All of the Avengers are in the same room. Clint and Tony are talking about upgrading Clint's arrows and bows, while Bruce well just reading some articles about science. Thor is eating Poptarts while Jane is trying to make him stop eating poptarts and just do something else. Vision is with Scott, they were going to get Scott's family's stuffs to move in here too. Sam and Bucky are arguing while Wanda and...Nat are talking about something. I was just sitting and staring at Nat which is kinda weird but yeah.

"Hey Steve, want to get coffee with me? You seem tired." Sharon said.

And I swear once she said that they all turned around to me everyone but Nat.

"Yeah sure" I said and they all like gossiping now and turn back to what they're doing.

"I'll just go get something I need." I said so I went to my room to get my wallet and phone.

Once I got back to the main room Pepper and Laura is there cooking somehing.

"Nat, it's 3 pm now you are very much late on getting Peter, Morgan, Cassie, Lila and Cooper or aka the troublemakers." Tony said.

"Tony you're also a troublemaker. " Pepper said.

"OH SNAP" Nat said getting up then run to the garage.

"Let's go?" Sharon said.

"Uhm yeah sure." I said , I really don't wanna go but Sharon is the only one I can really talk to.

Peter's POV

Okay what is taking mom so long?

"Hey you guys I'm bored like very bored, although I've been bored for like everyday in school but now like very bored." Morgan said drinking her juice box.

"I know, I don't know what's taking my mom so long" I said.

"Well maybe they have mission?" Ned said.

"Yeah maybe." I said.

Then a black looking luxury car pull up.

"Look Penis Parker my dad bought a new car, Ha! Suck that." Flash said while running up to it.

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