Bonus Chapter : Five

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Having one child was hard but having two is a nightmare. I begin to understand why my parents stop after me. Two me would have been the death of them. Like like two me is the death of... well, me.

Ophelia was 5 years old when I learned that I was pregnant again. This time, my pregnancy was planned and didn't take us by surprise. Robbie and I both thought Ophelia was old enough to big a big sister, and we were both at a time in our career where we thought it would be appropriate.

That's why, 9 months later, I expulsed yet another baby from my body. It was as painful as I remembered, and I won't be doing it again. One girl and one boy are enough: it's a perfect balance.

Robbie was ecstatic when we learned we were having a boy. He said that "we had a daddy's girl, now we can have a mommy's boy". And honestly, I see no lie in that statement.

Elijah Floyd-Simpson is mine, and mine alone.

"Lia, darling, can you stop jumping around and come eat, please?" I ask my daughter while I try to put my newborn son to sleep. I gave birth six weeks ago, and I was supposed to go back with my squadron soon while Robbie would stay with our baby for the next months, just like we said we would years ago. So, since I won't be seeing them as much for the next months, I pass the day with the kids while Robbie goes to the grocery store. I regret that decision now.

"But mama, I need to dance!" Ophelia replies to me as she keeps jumping (definitely not dancing) everywhere. Robbie needs to pay for what he did. He shouldn't have shown the Baby Shark song to her. It's a nightmare.

"You can finish the song this time, and then we eat, ok?"

As I say these words, the front door of the house opens, and I hear my husband walk in with half of a dozen of grocery bags in his arms. He is the kind of person that will do whatever it takes to make only one ride between the car and the house.

"Thank god!" I sigh in relief as I gently rock my son who (thankfully) stopped crying and started to fall asleep. "You need to stop her and erase this song from existence. It drives me crazy. I can't listen to it anymore." I beg him.

"Hello to you too, honey. Oh, yes, it was great, thank you for asking." He says to me as he kisses my lips and then our son's head. He starts to put the food he bought where it belongs in the kitchen, but I stop him.

"No, no, no. You take the baby and I take care of that."

"Isn't he supposed to be YOUR son?" Robbie asks me with a huge smile on his face.

"Today, he is yours. Today, they are both yours." I then carefully put Elijah in Robbie's arms and kiss the head of the two men of my life. My husband finally complies with my request and walks toward our daughter.

"Ok, honey. The song is over, we need to go eat now." I was expecting her to refuse again, but to my surprise, she doesn't. "Ok, daddy!"

Seriously? I've been asking the same thing for 15 minutes without success, but he comes, and she obeys after one try? Elijah, I better be your favorite parent, or I will push you back where you came from!


"Please, you need to bring back Bob. I can't stand his replacement." Natasha whispers in my ear as I enter the room at the base for the first time in months. "You are not happy with your new WSO?" I ask her with a smirk, knowing very well that she is not.

"Are you serious right now? He is not even half as good as your husband. Even Commander Anderson is about to go crazy without him, and he hasn't even been gone for 3 full months yet. 6 more and he will probably kill one of us."

I laugh at her dramatic behavior. I missed her so much. When you have a baby, you don't really have the time to socialize with the exterior world. So I am glad that I can finally talk to her without a kid's diaper in need to be changed at any moment.

"You will see him again, just not now. At the moment, he is at home with a 6 years-old child that has an obsession with Baby Shark, and a 2 months-old baby who either cries or sleeps. In a week, he'll want to come back too."

"The sooner he comes back, the better it is for me." Natasha and I turn towards the new voice, and we see, standing behind us, our Commander. "Sir" I salute him.

"Lieutenant Simpson. I am happy to have you back. Everything is going well at home with the new member?"

"Yes! Elijah is doing well and is perfectly healthy, thanks for asking, Sir." I reply with a smile on my face.

"Glad to hear it. Hope both the evil children won't dry my favorite WSO to the bone. I need him back healthy as soon as possible. Let's go, we have things to do!"

"Yes, Sir" Natasha and I both reply at the same time.


"MAMA!" My daughter screams as she runs in my arms. It was a long day, and after the last months almost always by my children's side, being one day without them is hard.

"Hi, baby! How was your day with daddy and Eli?" I ask her I as lift her from the ground and give her a tight hug.

"It was good, mama! I help daddy with Eli all day. I even sang so he could sleep!" She tells me with enthusiasm. I smile at her. She is not exactly a good singer, so Elijah probably fell asleep to stop hearing her voice, but I won't tell her that.

"And what song did you sing, sweetheart?"

"Baby Shark!"

Oh god. Elijah definitely fell asleep so he could stop the torture.

"That's great, honey. Where is daddy?"

"I am right here, Maddie. How was your day." Robbie asks me as he comes out of the kitchen to give me a kiss.

"It was great. It feels good to be back on the base and to fly again. But Natasha's complaints weren't great, however. Both her and the Commander are dying while waiting for your return." I laugh as I put my arms around his neck.

"I still can't believe that I am that popular."

"Oh, but I do. You are an incredible WSO, Robert, of course, everyone wants you by their side. You are also an incredible husband and an even more incredible father."

He smiles at me and wraps his arms around my waist to kiss me. "I love you, Maddison Floyd-Simpson."

"I love you too, Robert Floyd-Simpson" I reply as I kiss again, with a little bit more passion this time. We lost track of time and are only brought back to the present by our daughter.

"GROSS! Stop doing that!" Ophelia tells us with disgust on his face. "I want to eat. Now!"

"Ok, baby, we will cook you something." Robbie says as he gets away from me to go take the hand of our daughter and bring her to the kitchen.

My life couldn't be more perfect than it is right now. I wouldn't exchange it for anything in the world...

Author's note
So... this short chapter is the last one of this story. I don't want it to end, but every story needs to stop at some point.

I want to thank everyone who voted and commented on my story. Even the people who read my story without interacting, thanks to you too for making the time to read this.

20 days ago, this story was just an idea, and now, it's a 50k word fanfic. Not bad I think for my first experience of writing in English!

Anyway... thanks again everyone for taking part in this little adventure with me. I hope you loved Maddie as much as I did. Goodbye and thank you again!
- Claudie

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