Bonus Chapter : Two

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"No, Maddie, we won't change the date! We already took a rendezvous at the shop for Monday. We can't change it now." Natasha tells me.

"But my mother can't come Monday, and no matter how much I love you and trust your taste, I need more than just one opinion regarding my wedding dress. It's too important!" I try to make her see my point, but she continues to tell me that we can't do anything about it, and that we don't have a choice.

"If it ain't my favorite girls! Don't you look particularly gorgeous today? Sapphire, royal blue is truly your color, it fits perfectly with your skin tone." We hear Hangman say as he arrived out of nowhere behind us.

Since the 'Alexander' accident, Natasha, Robbie, Hangman, and I became really close. He and Bob, surprisingly, go along very well, almost too well. They try to call and text each other as much as possible. I swear, these two gossip more than teenage girls. When Alexander was transferred to another base a couple of weeks ago due to a 'lack of performance', the two men celebrated like they were the reason for his departure.

"Bagman, go away, we are having an important conversation right now" Natasha replies as she tries to push him away from us, clearly not in the mood for his typical Hangman attitude.

"I am hurt that I am not included in this very important matter."

As my best friend tells him that she doesn't care about his hurt feelings, I think for a second. I don't want to have only one opinion about my wedding dress, and since my mother can't come with me and Nat, we need to find someone else willing to come with us...

"Hangman... what are you doing next Monday?" I ask the blonde.

"Nothing, I have a day off, why?"

"How would you feel about wedding dress shopping?"


When we cross the door of the shop, we are immediately welcomed by a beautiful woman. "Hi, I am guessing that you are Maddison Simpson. My name is Amanda." She introduces herself to me. "I will help you find, hopefully, the perfect dress for your perfect day."

I see her look behind me and scan (without any subtlety) Hangman's body. She quickly stops herself and looks terrified at what she just did. "Don't worry, he is not my fiancé, just a friend that I know will criticize the dress honestly. So, you can look him out freely, he likes it. He is single and you are totally his type. Well, you are maybe missing a mustache, but you can still try your shot." As I say those words, she looks at me a little bit confused, but she moves on and decides to focus on the dresses. She then asks us to follow her as we reach a room on the other side of the store.

"So, did you have any idea already for the dress that you might want?"

"Yes, I was actually thinking about—" I start but I am cut short by both Natasha and Hangman.

"No!" They scream at the same time. "She has no particular idea" Natasha continues alone.


"Don't focus on one type of dress. It closes so many beautiful possibilities. Try anything and everything. Period" Hangman explains to me.

I decide to not protest and go along with what they wanted. First, because if they both agree with something (which is a first), so I don't want to start a fight against them. Secondly, m what they say makes sense, so why not?

"Alright, let's start then. You can follow me to the room where all our dresses are, and we can select some of them to try them on." Amanda then opens to door on the side of the room, and Nat, Hangman, and I are blinded by a wave of white. I swear, there is no color anywhere in the room. Just white. White floor, white walls, white dresses. And the dresses... there are hundreds of them. The three of us freeze, feeling like we will have time to die before we find me a dress with all those options.

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