Chapter five

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Four years ago

Words are not powerful enough to express how proud I am of myself. Not only was I able to join Top Gun and survive 13 weeks of flying and air fighting, but I also pushed my limits to the breaking point and did what I do best. I proved to myself and to the world that I deserve my title as one of the best pilots in the Navy.

I, Maddison Simpson, callsign Sapphire, am a Top Gun graduate. And I graduated first place. Of course, I did.

You did it, Maddie. You fucking did it. And I look amazing in my white uniform, it's a bonus.

"Are you ready, Mad? The ceremony starts in 30 minutes" I hear Bob on the other side of my apartment.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" Alright, let's finish this.


"Congratulations to all of you. You were all selected because of your incredible flying abilities. You prove time and time again that you are among the best pilots in the world" my father declares from the stage, the freshly graduates sitting below with their families.

My mother, on my right, can't look away from my father as he speaks. Almost 25 years of marriage, and she still loves him as she did on the first day. Since I was young, I always wondered if I would ever find a love like theirs. Without realizing my movement and its implication, I look to the man by my side. On my left, Bob sits with his parents.

Maddie, before thinking about marrying this man, maybe you should start by telling him you like him.

"For 13 weeks, you've worked harder than ever before and you developed skills essential to your career and the protection of our nation. Two of you, however, happened to be better than anyone else. For the first time in years, a team finished first in every single exercise. Not once, they were beaten. So, I would like for all of you to give a round of applause for the pilot Maddison 'Sapphire' Simpson and her WSO Robert 'Bob' Floyd"

The officers and the families don't hesitate and start to congratulate our success. The other pilots of our class, however, applause with little to no enthusiasm. Alexander 'The Jerk' Stewart, the second-ranked, doesn't even try to fake it. He just looks in my direction with pure disgust. But I don't care. He lost, I won. I was better than him in every way, and I won't let him affect my mood. Not today.

My father requires silence, and everyone stops clapping.

"All of you have now the responsibility to protect the world from potential threats. Soon, you will know where you will be sent to fulfill your new responsibilities. Until then, you can celebrate with your friends and family. Congratulations again everyone." My father ends as we start clapping once again.

Waiters come from all directions to give a drink to all of us. Bob and I kindly decline them while our parents gladly take one each. I am very happy to finally be able to meet Bob's parents, Clarissa and John.

Clarissa looks like the sweetest woman ever and her face radiates kindness. If Bob was lucky enough to have his blue eyes from his mother, it's his father that he is the spitting image of. Side to side, Bob looks exactly like his father, 25 years younger.

"It's so great to finally put a face on your name. Our Robbie told us so many things about you." His mother tells me as she pulls me into a warm embrace.

"Robbie?" I tease Bob.

Oh my god! He is blushing! It's the best day of my life.

"Yeah... It's a nickname I've had since I was a kid. When I was younger, I thought 'Robert' was a terrible name for a 9-year-old"

Blue Sapphire | Bob FloydWhere stories live. Discover now