Chapter thirteen

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I touch my engagement ring that rests on my chest behind my uniform. This morning, I took it off my finger and put it on my necklace with my dog tags. We left the base and arrived at the aircraft carrier two hours ago. While we sail in direction of our mission, the twelve of us are in a room, waiting for our instructor to reveal who will take part in the mission.

"It's been an honor flying with you. Each one of you represents the best of the best. This is a very specific mission..." Maverick starts as he scans the room. "My choices are reflections of that, and nothing more."

"Choose your two foxtrot teams." My father asks our instructor. In my mind, there is no hesitation about which team he will choose. Based on the statistics of the teams and the training, two of the four teams stand out.

"Payback and Fanboy. Phoenix and Bob." Maverick declares, causing Natasha and Robbie to look at each other, but also at me.

I am not surprised. I expected them to be selected, but it doesn't mean that I won't be stressed for them. I trust their capacities to successfully complete this mission, but it pains me to know they will be in danger while I will be stuck here, unable to help them in any way.

"And your wingman?" As Cyclone speaks again, I see Hangman on my right raising his head with pride, one of his cocky smiles on his face. He acts as if he was already chosen for this mission. But I highly doubt that he will. It doesn't take a lot to understand that Maverick will most likely choose Rooster as his wingman. He did a mistake all these years ago when he pulled his papers, he won't do the same mistake twice.


And here's the confirmation of what I thought. I am not mad that I haven't been chosen. After the whole 'threatening thing' coming from my father, it's not surprising that Maverick didn't pick me. I don't have to worry for myself, but I need to worry for my friends.

The five people I care for the most here are the five ones to be sent on a suicide mission. I will need therapy after that.

Admiral Warlock then declares that the rest of us will wait on the carrier during the mission in case we are needed. As soon as we are dismissed, we all move to go congratulate the pilots and WSOs chosen for the mission.

As the admirals leave the room, my father's eyes meet mine. I can see that he is feeling sorry for me, sorry for the position that I am in right now. I look away and instead, I turn in the direction of my best friend and my fiancé who are being congratulated by Halo, Harvard, and Omaha. The latter even gives Robbie a little fist bump that makes him smile softly.

I first give a quick hug to Natasha for the small victory (because in a way, being part of the mission is a win in itself) before I take Robbie in my arms. I hold on to him tight for multiple seconds, and he does the same. As I let him go, I press a soft kiss on his lips.

"You better come back to me. If Natasha doesn't bring you home, I give you the right to kick her ass, alright?" As he nods at me, I look back at Natasha and make sure that no one around us might hear me talk. "And you, if you don't bring back my fiancé to me, I will bring you back to life just to kill you again. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it... YOUR WHAT?!"

Ah, it took her 5 seconds to realize. Slower than I expected.

I don't reply to her, kiss Robbie one last time, and leave the room as fast as I can. I hear Natasha running behind me. "Don't you dare say this and leave! I need an explanation and details!!!" She screams at me.

"I will let Bobbie take care of that. Have fun, sweetheart." And I'm out.


"Your target is a clear and present threat. A secret uranium enrichment site under rogue state patrol. It's an underground bunker, tucked between two mountains." Rear Admiral Bates declares. It's no new information for us. We just receive some last-minute instructions, making it clear that everyone understands what is about to happen.

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