Chapter ten

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The next morning, I was up by 5am. I couldn't sleep. I had this bad feeling in my guts that something would be wrong today. I then decided to get out of bed (more exactly, out of Robbie's bed) and go make myself a coffee in the kitchen. As I was added recently to the group chat, I decided to pass the time and wait for my boyfriend's return by watching all the cat videos previously sent by Fanboy. I don't understand why the group hates them so much, the cats are so cute!

It's 5h43 when I hear the door open. I jump out of my chair and run the welcome Robbie home, but I abruptly stop when I see his sad face.

"Oh, god. What happened again?" I ask him, fearing that I was right about my bad feeling.

"I will not question why you are up that early. Just... read this." He then passes me his phone to show me an email he received this morning from my father, apparently.


I have the regret to inform you of the passing of Admiral Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky, Commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet.

The Navy has decided to offer the man the respect he deserves and has organized the funeral ceremony later today. For this reason, you are all exempted from your training duties today. You are all invited to come and pay your respect to the incredible man that he was, but also to his family.

Your training resume tomorrow morning at dawn.

Vice Admiral Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson.'

I am so in shock at what I just read, that I read it a second time. Admiral Kazansky is dead. He was the best of us and deserved a long, happy, and healthy life. But life decided otherwise.

Death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints...

"You most probably received one too. You just didn't see it." My boyfriend tells me. "Did you know him?"

"Yeah, a little bit. I met him many times when I was younger and followed my father around. He was always kind to me and encouraged me to join the Academy. Knowing him and his career is also part of the reason why I am where I am today. I wanted to be just like him." I say, a soft smile on my face

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, don't worry. It makes me sad, but I was not really close to him. I feel terrible for his family, however. It must be hard for them, for Maverick too. The two were really close..." I reply

"Yeah... but he is strong. If there is one person who can go through that, it's him. Come on, let's think of something else. I will cook us breakfast and we can watch the movie of your choice."


We all came to pay our respect. The twelve of us stand in a straight line, motionless. We stay in silence as six officers fold the flag that was on Admiral Kazansky's Coffin. When the flag is folded for the last time, my father takes it and walks toward Sarah Kazansky, the admiral's widow.

"On behalf of a grateful nation and a proud Navy, I present this flag to you in recognition of your husband's years of honorable and faithful service to this country." He tells her as she takes the flag in her arms. He then takes a step back and salutes her.

Seconds later, it's our instructor Maverick that takes a step forward. He then removes his eagle insignia from his uniform and put it down on his late friend's coffin. He then proceeds to tap on it, and salute one last time the person he loved so much.

The ceremony ends not long after that, and many leave the cemetery soon after. I was about to leave with my friends when I see my father standing alone. I tell the group to go without me and I join him.

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