Bonus Chapter: four

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"Take a deep breath, baby. Everything will be okay"

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO. It's because of you that I am about to push a thing the size of a watermelon out of my body. YOUR FAULT! So, sit down and shut up." I yell at him as another contraction hits me.

Robbie does as I ask and drop my hand to go sit in the chair in the corner of the hospital room.

"I didn't mean for you to actually do it, dumbass. Take back my hand and suffer with me as I give birth to my daughter."

"Our. It's our daughter." He tries to tell me, but I squeeze his hands as another contraction is felt in my body. "OK, OK. Your daughter! Oh my god, I think my hand is broken..."



On April 19th, after 14 hours of labor, at 3h56 in the morning, the love of my life took her first breath: Ophelia Floyd-Simpson. She is perfect.

Ok, truth is, she is not beautiful because pretty much all babies are ugly at birth, but she is nonetheless perfect in my eyes.

I thought I couldn't love Robert more, but then I saw him hold our daughter for the first time, and it was like love at first sight all over again. I've never seen anything more beautiful than my husband holding this little human being we created against his chest. He was reluctant at the idea of holding her at first, scared to hurt her, but when she was put in his arms, he refused to let go.

I am lying in bed, exhausted by the last day. Robbie is beside me with Ophelia in his arms when I hear knocks on the hospital door. I whisper to whoever is behind that they can come in, and seconds later, I see my parents, Robbie's parents, Hangman, and Natasha entering the room, trying to be as silent as possible.

When the 6 of them see her for the first time, I swear they all started to cry. My dad and Hangman would probably deny it forever, but they definitely cried.

"Look at her... She is beautiful" Clarissa, Robbie's mother, says as she holds my mother's hand. Both don't even try to contain their tears and admire their new granddaughter. John and my father are behind their wives, both hands on their shoulders as they look at Ophelia over the two women's heads.

"How is she?" Natasha asks me as she gets as close as possible to the baby that is peacefully sleeping against Robbie's chest.

"She is great. Doctors said she is perfectly healthy. Mama is also perfectly fine, just a little bit tired." My husband whispers as an answer.

My father leaves my mother's side to come near me and kiss me on the head. "Congratulations, sweetheart, you did amazing." He tells me, and I am unsuccessful at trying to hold back my tears. There are still too many hormones in my body right now to allow me to have control over my emotions.

The four grandparents and Natasha all get a turn at holding my daughter. She woke up as soon as she left her father's arms, but she stayed quiet, simply looking around and discovering the members of her new family.

When it's Hangman's turn to hold her, he refuses at first, saying that he doesn't want to hurt her.

"You won't hurt her; we will show you how to hold her correctly. The most important thing is to be careful with her head" I try to reassure him.

"You don't know that. What if I drop her?"

"You won't, Jake. Just take her and appreciate your first moment with your goddaughter." Robbie tells his best friend. The latter turns his head in our direction instantly, shocked about what he just heard.

"Me?" He asks as his voice starts to tremble. When we both nod, Hangman finally has the courage to hold Ophelia in his arms, and to our surprise, he seems to be a natural. He won't admit it either, but at that moment, Ophelia Floyd-Simpson just won the heart of the most arrogant and cocky bastard that ever walked this earth.

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