Chapter eight

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"Lieutenants" Warlock starts. "I, unfortunately, have to deliver some bad news"

The Rear Admiral stands in from of us and almost looks... sad. As if it was killing him to inform us of the new information. And if Solomon 'Warlock' Bates is acting like that, then it means nothing good. When I look in my father's direction on the other side of the room, I see a similar expression, and I then know that we are doomed. This bad news is deadly. The already risky mission official became a Kamikaze one. We are being sent to our death.

"The uranium target will be operational earlier than expected. Raw uranium will be delivered to the site in 10 days' time. As a result, the mission has been moved up. One week, in order to avoid contaminating the target's valley with radiation" he announces.

Everyone's reactions say it all. Natasha and Robbie turn to look at each other, fear all over their face. Rooster moves on the tip of his seat in disbelief at the crazy statement he just learned. I can hear Fanboy's breathing going faster than before. Behind me, Harvard has also dropped a 'Fuck'. Even Hangman sighs loudly at the realization of what might wait for him.

"Sir, no one here has successfully flown the canyon course" Coyote says at loud what everyone has been thinking.

"Nevertheless, you have been ordered to move on. Captain?" Maverick who previously had his eyes locked on the ground finally looks at us and walks toward Warlock.

"We have one week left to focus on phase two. It's the most difficult stage of the mission" he announces.

Considering we can't succeed in the 'easiest' stage, how the hell are we supposed to do the hardest one?!

"It's pop-up strike with steep dive requiring nothing less than 2 consecutive miracles. Two pairs of F-18s will be flying in a welded-wing formation. Teamwork and precise coordination of these aircrafts are essential to both the mission's success and your survival." Our instructor tells us. Now, I understand the importance of the team bonding exercise of yesterday.

"As you know, the plant rest between two mountains. On the final approach, you will invert directly into a steep dive. This allows you to maintain the lowest possible altitude. And give you the only possible attack angle..."

I wanted to fly upside down... Well, looks like I will for a short time. I need to be more careful with what I wish, dammit!

"Your target is an impact less than three meters wide. The two-seat aircrafts will paint the target with a laser bullseye. The first pair will breach the reactor by dropping a laser-guided bomb on an exposed ventilation hatch. This will create an opening for the second pair. That's miracle number one." Maverick continues while showing us his left index. "The second team will deliver the kill shot and destroy the target. That's miracle number two." And here is the second finger.

Welcome, everyone, to today's class of 'Learning how to do simple counting with Captain Pete Mitchell'

"If either team misses the target, the mission is a failure" Really no pressure then. "It's then a deep high G climb out to avoid hitting the mountain."

"For this climb, at high speed, we're pulling at least 8-G" Hangman mentions to our instructor. And the answer he received? '9. Minimum'. It's just GREAT. Assuming our aircrafts resist to the pressure, our bodies won't appreciate being that heavy.

"It'll be so hard that you will weigh close to two thousand pounds. Your skull crushing your spin. Your lungs imploding like an elephant sitting on your chest... This is where you will be at your most vulnerable. This... is coffin corner." Wow, such an amazing and inspiring name for a not-dangerous-at-all part of the mission. We can really feel the trust in our chances of survival.

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