Chapter Five

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"SO HIS SMUGGLING GIRLS OUT OF THE COUNTRY AND SELLING THEM ABROAD?" I'm assuming it's a rhetorical question, because this is what we have been discussing for the past ten minutes. We all look at Hayden and we don't bother to answer. We don't have time for stupid questions and we all don't like speaking unless we really need to. I hardly speak more than 20 words a day and he thinks we will waste our energy to answer a question he already knows the answer to.

"We need to kill him and fast." His time on planet earth was about to end. The angels of death had decided and he was about to meet his fate. Nothing brings me satisfaction more than pulling a trigger and watching it blow out someone's brains all over the ground. The sound of a bullet comforts me and the sight of blood gives me a purpose along with the screams of my victim which brings a smile to my face.

"Tonight" I chime in. Thinking of a game plan of how we are going to kill our victim wasn't something we usually do. We just gather men and we ambush you or let you know. In the end we always win no matter what. "What's the rush? We need real proof that he is guilty before we strike." Ryan has a point, but I have a good argument to defend my statement. "If we don't kill him tonight this small ring of his could get exposed and if this news reaches Raphael we would be more than glad to retaliate against us. That could cause havoc which we don't need and we will lose clients."

They all nod agreeing with what i'm saying. I would rather look unreasonable to the rest of my clients by killing Rob while not having full proof that his running this ring than to let Rapheal find out about it. He had been wanting to start a war with us for years now and this would be the perfect reason. He wants our empire. Raphael doesn't reason. He is greedy. He doesn't want to just own half of the town no.

He wants to run the whole town and the rest of the major underground countries there are. His clients are the ones who focus on sex trafficking so in order to keep peace none of our clients are involved in selling girls anyhow, and Rob just broke that rule breaking the peace with it. He has always been impulsive and unpredictable which is good at times, but it could also get you killed. Money was getting to his head and now a bullet was about to go right through his skull.

"Okay but if we do this then we need to find proof once we wipe the whole place clean. If we don't we need to make a plan and lie. We could say he was lying about his books." Kyle and I shook our heads. Ryan wanted everything to be done by the books and always wanted to follow a set of rules, but he was forgetting that we are hard core criminals. We make the rules not follow them. "No we won't. If we don't find proof then let the people find out that we killed him because we assume. It will get everyone who was thinking of crossing the line back on line. We shouldn't care what our clients think about us. As long as they pay us we are good".

We weren't about to fabricate a lie. That just makes us pussies. We are the bosses and we don't bow to our clients - they bow to us. In our line of work making people fear you is what keeps them in line not making them respect you. Respect is easily broken, but fear isn't. "Once we take him down we need someone to take over his business." It's how this always works. Hayden was right one of us would need to take over it. I had already taken over two businesses of our clients who broke the rules. We all had businesses we took from our failed clients.

"I'll take it" Sitting around and doing nothing wasn't something I liked. I like being on the move and doing something. I hardly ever take some time to chill even if I don't have any more work left. I always find something to do, which is why my businesses were always top notch. Now maybe with this business I would have even less time on my hands. There were a lot of improvements the place needed, but since Rob has bigger shares he never bothered to make the changes we suggested.

"Great that's settled then. I will gather our men and we will strike Rob once we are all ready." I finish my remaining scotch before getting up from my seat. I was ten in the morning and I was hoping we would be able to strike him by twelve mid-day. The thing about us is that we didn't wait until it was night time to do our work. We worked in broad daylight. The police never bother us, because they know that we would bomb their police stations into shreads. After we did that a decade ago they learnt to not bother us.

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