"But we can just quit" I saw a t-shirt I liked and I took it from the pile to check it out. "That's not an option, baby girl. The last girl who wanted to resign ended up disappearing from the face of the earth. She was missing and has still not been found" I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around to look at her. "What?" I asked her, shocked. As much as it may have just been a coincidence, I really wouldn't put it past that man to do something like make someone disappear.

"After that no one else ever thought of resigning. That man is scary and obviously dangerous. Don't be fooled by his looks'' she warned me as we slowly moved to another section of clothes. The T-shirt I like was abandoned since my mind was racing. "So I can't resign. '' She looked at me as if I was crazy. "Please don't even try. You don't want to get on his bad side. Once you start working for him it means he owns you for the rest of your life. Until you die. Our guess is that he put that girl to other use since she was useless on the jet" She whispered.

"Okay wait, are these facts or just assumptions?" I couldn't be afraid of something that I wasn't sure was factual. "Can you really put the things I said past him?" I wasn't even shopping anymore. My mind wasn't here, it was on his statement which has been haunting me 'Mine'. I kept on hearing him whispering that word to me. "Well if you put it that way then I understand, but I just hope that's not true, because I don't want to work forever. One day I will retire and start a family with Finn somewhere nice and quite"

"I really hope we are wrong too. Meanwhile my girlfriend is not even talking to me. I was supposed to bring her on this trip" That came as a shock to me. I just thought that a girl like her had men falling on her feet on a daily basis and she would choose the most suitable. I guess you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. "Oh what's her name?" I bet her girlfriend was also super hot. "Sofia. We started dating a few months back, but damn the girl is gonna drive me crazy" she complained as she added yet another item on her almost full cart.

"Why? What did she do?" I asked her interested in her relationship with her girl. "If we are not fighting about the number of men asking me out then it's about me always being far away, but when I ask her to come she says no. Don't be fooled, we love each other very much, but a girl can only take so much" funny enough Finn and I never even fought that much in the past 10 years. "Why don't you guys attend therapy to work out the issues? Maybe than you guys will fight less"

"Oh hell no, the fights are part of the reason why I love her so much. Jealousy turns me on" the shock on my face was hard to miss. Did she really just say she enjoys the fights? Damn I definitely took her for granted. "Damn girl I did not expect that twist" we both laughed it off before paying for our clothes. After our date I returned to my man. I found him still busy with his book. He stopped working on it and we made love. After that we went to watch movies, we went sightseeing, then had dinner at a diner, before returning back to our room to sleep.


IT WAS THAT OFFICIAL I HATED MY BOSS. He was such an entitled asshole. How could he just call people at 3 am in the morning and ask them to come to work? Couldn't he have waited until the morning to fly to wherever he wanted to go? Now everyone had to change their plans and sleeping patterns to accomidate him for fucksakes. Worse part I was very grumpy if I woke up very early especially for a shitty reason. Finn was staying behind. He will take the next flight back home tomorrow morning.

Now our trip had been cut short, the worst part was we hadn't even done the interesting things yet. This was going to be the first time being so far away from him ever since we met. My anxiety was spiking up. My eyes were puffy because I cried when he left me at the Airport. I had a mini panic attack, but I was able to control it. It would be a miracle if we got back to Spain without me doing any fuck ups, because my mind wasn't even thinking straight. I just needed to sink into Finn's arm and hear him say 'Everything will be okay. I'm here now', but he wasn't here.

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