xix. everything is finally set alight

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━━━ VVV ━━━


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VENI DIDN'T KNOW love. Well, perhaps she was knowledgeable in some part, though it's only when you refer to the other versions of it. Familial love, she was accustomed with, or even the concept of a platonic relationship she was also aware. But when you talk about romantic love? She had absolutely zero idea about that very subject. However, you couldn't blame the young witch at all.

Growing up with no parents was a huge impact for her to be very clueless about it. Because if other kids had their own grasp of what feelings were due to seeing it from their own mother and father, Veni didn't. She only had an aunt who hasn't been in any relationships for her to study, and a cat who became the best friend she could have. It also didn't help how Veni didn't read books about love because she was far too focused with sticking her nose in millions of grimoires but not a single fictional novel.

So Sermo, who had heard from the nurse taking care of her that her niece and her husband were outside, was both shocked and suspicious when Veni entered her room hand-in-hand with a handsome young boy.

Alex stepped aside after that and let the two of them express their reliefs that the other was okay. He didn't want to invade their privacy and wanted to mute them out but it was hard no to. So it ended with him getting to eavesdrop about how Sermo was actually fine, she just had a curse placed inside of her due to the sanctuary she was assigned to. Her colleagues were also affected, all in the other rooms where they were also fortunate enough to be safely expelled of the dangerous curse. The beautiful woman informed her niece that she was free to leave the hospital later if she's lucky enough or tomorrow for safekeeping.

“I'm very glad that you're okay. I really am. However, it still doesn't change the fact that you gave me a heart attack because Umbra literally howled like he was a wolf when he's obviously a cat!” Veni scolded her aunt with hands on her waists.

Sermo rolled her eyes at the girl, “I don't see Umbra complaining.” she gestured to the black cat sitting on her bed, licking his paws innocently.

“He's a cat.” Veni deadpanned. “So I'm speaking for the both of us.”

“I can understand Umbra just fine, what are you talking about?” Sermo teased.

This made Veni paused as she remembered, sheepishly scratching her head. 'Right! She's a lingo witch, she can also speak animal languages.'

“But do introduce me to this husband of yours. I'm sure he must be awkward standing there for the past hour now.” Sermo diverted the topic successfully.

Unconsciously, a grin bloomed in Veni's lips in excitement which she quickly erased and hoped no one saw. Unfortunately for her, her aunt saw it as clear as day and only chose to comment on it later. She smiled kindly when the blonde boy held his hand for her to shake.

“Alex Summers, Ms. Sermo. I've heard a lot about you from Veni.” he respectfully introduced.

“Only good things, I hope.”

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