He wants something

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Before I realized what was happening I was falling onto the cold concrete.

The pain in my body came back into focus and I whimpered in agony.

But my arms started to release tension as I extended them and curled them close to my torso.

This isn't even surviving, it's just slowly dying.

"Get up, we're leaving." He grabbed my arm and I winced.

I mumbled a raspy no but he didn't hesitate to pull me up.

"N-n-no s-stop!" I yelped as I was dragged up, once more in seering pain.

"Shut up." He responded coldly.

He put me over his shoulder and went upstairs, through the back door and threw me in the back of a black van.

At least it's padded. Black van, totally original. Totally not obviously suspicious. Yes, I have sarcasm even in my inner dialog.

I curled up against the padded side.

Then the van started and I winced every turn curling up even tighter.

I hate this. I freaking hate this. Everywhere hurts so bad. I don't know where I am or where I'm going.
I'm being used to betray my friends.
Just kill me already.

I shouldn't think that, I know I shouldn't. I'm not giving up, I'm just not fighting against it either.

I'm stuck.

Just stuck.

Then the vehicle stopped just as I was about to sleep again.

Torture is exhausting.
Surprising? No.

Two older men appeared into my view as the large back doors opened.

It's so bright. Ughh. Not again.

They grabbed my legs and began to lock my arms together.

I'm too tired to fight.

They walked me over to an abandoned building.

Wait I know this place. Derek's attic.
Why am I here? Honestly, I shouldn't even be surprised anymore.

We stopped infront of the dark wall, perfectly in view of the largest window.

Allison's grandfather stepped up from behind us and shouted,
"Derek! Get out here or I swear your friend dies!"

Then he quickly pulled out a gun, and pressed it against my head firmly.

His finger hovering over the trigger.

Fear serged through me and I started to shake. But I stayed quiet. If I move I'll die. I'll die. I'll die.

No.. no, no, no, no, please no.

I heard a few thuds and muffled shouting until the steel door swung open.

Scott and Lydia ran out followed by a shifted Derek. Issac, Erica and Boyd walked out behind them.

Boyd and Erica. They're okay? How?!

Out of my racing thoughts those stuck out.

"Stiles!!" Scott screamed out.
He looks so sad. I've definitely missed him. He's probably been worried sick about me.

Lydia looks terrified. She just stood seven feet away from me.
Almost as frozen as I am.

Derek is filled with anger. Overfilling rage. He looks deadly.
Just as deadly as this gun.

Erica and Boyd look scared too.

Isaac looks more determined than anything.

Derek growled and broke the tensed silence with his aggressive voice,
"I'm not afraid to rip your throat out. I'll freaking kill you."

"Before I kill Stiles?" He pestered as he pushed my head with the gun and I winced.

"Mmh!" I yelped.

"I don't think so." He continued.

Derek's frown soften slightly as he took a step back.

"Stiles, it's gonna b-be okay. We'll fix this. You're gonna be f-fine."
Scott stated trying to hold back tears.

He's stuttering. He's probably screaming inside. He's breaking.

I don't wanna do this to him.
I don't want to die.

"If you want Stiles to live, all the nasty werewolves go with my men."
He demanded while eyeing over to the two men on the other side of him.

"So you can kidnap more of us?! No!"
Derek growled and hissed through his fangs.

"Fine." He snapped his fingers and pointed towards me with his free hand.

His two men quickly stepped over to me and shoved both my shoulders down, causing me to fall to my knees.

I grunted and groaned. Then proceeded to squeeze my eyes shut.
What's going to happen to me?!

Find Me. (A Kidnapped Stiles AU)Where stories live. Discover now