Chapter 7: Phase 2

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"No hard feelings, Point Break. You've got a mean swing. But what have you exactly done to improve our current situation?" Stark asked

"What have you done Tony Stark except project a level of superiority based on your past business exploits? You realize your former mentor Obidiah Stane made secret deals with Nute Gunray the former head of the Trade Federation. It's because of your ignorance of the actions of those you do business with that Anakin and Padme were almost killed as children! Thanks to you countless families lives were ruined by war." Obi Wan challenged

Nick Fury gave an approving nod while Anakin stared confused at Obi Wan and Tony Stark. Dr. Banner kept staring at the bright blue light coming from Loki's scepter.

"You galactics still practice slavery and the United Republic has done nothing to stop it. I'm sure your protégé is real ecstatic about his mom rotting away in slavery on a desert nation. Why haven't you Jedi solved that problem instead of making the kid forget about his mom?"

"Don't change the subject Stark. These matters are more complex than you think. You want us to start a war with the Desert region of nations that engage in this horrible practice? Are you looking to use the misery of a young man to make more money!" Obi Wan accused

"Master perhaps if Stark has a solution..."

"Solution? This human doesn't have a solution and neither does Fury. Working with powers beyond your understanding is a sign to those in other dimensions that you're ready for a higher form of war!" Thor interjected

"Hey don't interrupt me! It's your brother who started all of this. And if Shield was such a force they would challenge the desert nations to free my mother. Stark is right they're hiding something." Anakin argued

"Kid you realize you are apart of an organization that has a shaky relationship with Shield at best. Your second in command leader who looks an awful like me claims Jedi are peacekeepers not soldiers. We have a long distance relationship at best.

If we provoked the Jedi Order hard enough you guys could take over Shield with ease. You lazer sword wielding psychics act more like tyrants than peacekeepers! So with you guys offering nothing in terms of real support Shield needed to take action. Loki forced our hand! We had to come up with a way to maintain leverage in our partnership with the Jedi and to keep Loki in check." Fury explained

"A nuclear deterrent? Cause that always works well..."

"Remind me how much money Stark Enterprises made from battle of Italia Naboo. I'm sure Queen Amidala would love to have a discussion about that Mr. Stark." Nick Fury retorted

"You realize without my company the Trade Federation would still be a threat. Also when my company used the Tesseract's technology it was to develop a more efficient alternative to hyperspace fuel. You guys are the ones using it to make weapons. Shield is the reason Loki is here not me."

"You speak of control Director Fury, yet you court chaos. You form a team but you show lack of trust with your allies." Thor challenged

"Hey that's not fair. Fury put his neck on the line by bringing all of you onto this Helicarrier. He is under pressure by his superiors to make this team work. He even made concessions to bring on two Jedi to join the Avengers Initiative despite Shield's past conflicts with the Jedi Order." Black Widow defended

"If that's the case then why even work on Phase 2? How does this prove that you have real faith in us Director Fury?" Captain America argued

"It's his M.O., isn't it? I mean, what are we, a team? No, no, no. We're a chemical mixture that causes chaos. We're... we're a time-bomb." Dr. Banner said

He was standing next to the scepter and it continued to glow brighter and brighter.

"You need to step away." Black Widow warned

"Why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam?" Stark said dismissively

"You know why! Back off!" Captain America screamed

"I'm starting to want you to make me." Stark replied with edge to his voice

"You keep throwing accusations Steve Rogers but you don't have any solutions to the problem. Iron Man is trying to find the Tesseract." Anakin argued

"Kid you don't need to butt in." Black Widow said to Anakin

"Don't patronize me and don't pretend to be someone your not. You're a liar and a manipulator. You risked Padme's safety by impersonating her because you're too weak to fight in battles yourself." Anakin accused

"Jedi aren't supposed to have attachments. I know the drill. But your junior high romantic pursuit of Padne screams unruly toddler. I'm surprised Obi Wan doesn't put a diaper on you." Black Widow mocked

"You're gonna let her talk to me this way master?"

"She exaggerates but the core of her argument is sound." Obi Wan observed

"This isn't about the Jedi way. This is about Shield. I'd like to know why SHIELD is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction." Captain America demanded

"What did I tell you grandpa. Fury's secrets have secrets. We're wasting time dealing with him." Stark said dismissively

"You don't just walk away from the mission not when they're lives at stake."

"This isn't the 1940s Rogers. You can solve the problem without anyone getting hurt." Stark replied

"Oh I get it. You're afraid to make the sacrifice play. You just want to save the day when it's easy. Well it doesn't always work out that way. Sometimes you have to hold the wire while someone crawls on your back to get to the other side." Captain America scolded

"All you need to do in that situation is fasten the two halves of the wire together." Stark replied casually

"Big man in a suit of armour. Always using it to keep you safe. Take that off, what are you?"

"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist."

Black Widow nodded approving the accuracy of Tony Stark's proclamation.

"I know guys with none of that worth ten of you. I've seen the footage. The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You may not be a threat but you better stop pretending to be a hero." Captain America challenged

"A hero? Like you? You're a lab rat, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle!"

"Put on the suit. Let's go a few rounds."

"If your challenging him...then I'll fight alongside Tony Stark." Anakin said

"Kid you're more naive than I thought if you think..." Fury began

"We need to find Banner he took the scepter!" Black Widow interrupted alarmed

Right at that moment the Helicarrier shook violently due to an explosion.

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