Chapter 2: Needed the Force Is

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Director Fury stood in his office along with Jedi Master Yoda in front of a holo projector. The images of three older men of great power sat before him. A grim look on his face formed as he thought about Loki's attack.

"Director Fury you are speaking with Secretary Alexander Pearce of the World Security Council and the United Nations Republic Chancellor Sheev Palpatine and this is World Secretary Council chairman Gideon Malick. This a closed emergency discussion regarding the destruction of the Project Pegasus facility and the theft of the Tesseract by the rogue assailant Loki."

"Sirs I recommend shelving Phase 2 and reinstating the Avengers Initiative immediately. Agent Hill managed to tap into Barton's earpiece and overhear parts of his conversation with Loki from the realm called Asgard. Loki is planning to use Dr. Selvig to maximize the capabilities of the Tesseract. To teleport a larger army for an enemy unknown in order to conquer Earth." Fury explained

"This is out of line, Director. You're dealing with forces you can't control." Malick challenged

"You ever been in a war, Chairman? In a firefight? Did you feel an overabundance of control?" Fury asked

"You're saying that this group from Asgard is declaring war on our planet and you want to shelve Phase 2 of Project Pegasus? Are you insane?"

"Not Asgard. Loki."

"Which is why you should be focusing on Phase 2. It was designed for exactly this." Malick argued

"Phase 2 isn't ready. Our enemy is. We need a response team. We need to reinstate the Avengers Initiative."

"We've seen the list. You run the world's greatest covert security network and you're gonna leave the fate of the human race to a handful of freaks?"

"I'm not leaving anything to anyone. We need a response team. These people may be isolated, unbalanced even, but I believe with the right push, they can be exactly what we need." Fury explained

"I remember you explaining that Phase 2 would be implemented in a matter of weeks and Dr. Selvig's recent findings could accelerate the timetable you provided. Now you want to involve these so called powered beings who you claimed are psychologically unfit for duty?" Secretary Pearce questioned

"Secretary I understand your reluctance but we have no choice. In just a matter of days Loki's army will arrive and we will be unable to protect ourselves."

"Add I must. Assist the members of the Avengers Initiative the Jedi need to." Yoda implored

"I agree with Master Yoda Director Fury. If we agree to implement this Avengers Initiative, the Jedi will need to be involved. In times like these there must be strength in numbers." Chancellor Palpatine advised

"I was told the Jedi are the keepers of the peace. They maintain the peaceful collaboration between the nations and to ensure law and order. I don't see how Jedi can be counted on to be government operatives for a secret mission." Secretary Pearce added thoughtfully

"Don't underestimate the Jedi Secretary. In times of crisis in my universe the Jedi rose to the occasion on an impressive scale." Palpatine replied

"Needed the Force is. Director Fury I said this to. Now you three I beg. Great power Loki has. Multiple Jedi trusting in the Force needed to combat this power."

"That's leaving too much to chance. We need to just proceed with Phase 2. When Loki is located his small force of Shield Agents and a Jedi will be no match for that plan." Malick ordered

"Unwise this course of action is." Yoda argued

"You have no authority to challenge a directive from a senior policy maker Jedi."

"Perhaps...a compromise is in order. Why not follow all three options to ensure Loki's defeat?" Palpatine suggested

"I don't see why not. Though only two Jedi will be allowed on the mission to assist the Avenger Iniative members. That will limit the potential culture clashes between these different types of operatives." Secretary Pearce replied

"Fair enough. Master Yoda I suggest Jedi Knight Obi Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker. Do you agree Master Yoda?"

"Agree with the choice I do. Assured Loki will be captured I am."

"I'll send my best Agents to collect Avenger Iniative members." Fury added

"Good. Meeting Adjourned." Secretary Pearce declared while Chairman Malick had a sour look on his face.


Captain Steve Rogers couldn't get the images of the second World War out of his head. His special squad of elite soldiers lead by his best friend Bucky all died of natural causes. Bucky himself died on a mission a year before the second world war ended. Days later Steve Rogers himself buried in ice unconscious for almost 70 years. He was revived by Shield and learned of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party defeat.

The remnants of the Nazi Party successor organization Hydra run by the SS Officer Johann Schmidt aka the Red Skull was defeated by the Strategic Scientific Reserve which later became Shield. A giant monument in Washington DC was made in his honor titled Captain America the first Avenger. It was a lot for Steve to process mentally. He was revived just a few weeks ago.

Shield contained many secret bases, one of which housed a state of the art fitness center. Exercise seemed to help with his mental state. He effortlessly ran on the treadmill and barely registered that he had been running on it for three hours. He remembered how difficult it was for him to run for thirty minutes. Steve was born small in stature with weak lungs. Basic training for the US Army was impossible for him to perform in a proficient manner. Other soldiers mocked him behind his back and laughed as he struggled to run.

Steve never gave up and after a week of training he was chosen to be a test subject for an experimental research project called Project Rebirth. The project was secretly run by the Strategic Scientific Reserve and sponsored by the governments of the United States and the allied nations against Hitler and his supportive nations. The lead project scientist injected him with a super soldier formula and 60 seconds inside a chamber doused with vita rays allowed the formula stabilized inside his body.

Ever since that day he could run faster, jump higher, punch with more force. Running for three hours was not the difficult challenge that running for 30 minutes was. Yet his increased physical abilities didn't change the loneliness he felt over the past few weeks. Only exercise seemed to keep his emotions at bay.

"Captain Rogers you should take it easy. Three hours is enough of a workout even for someone like yourself." Director Fury called out

Steve turned off the treadmill and wiped off his face with a nearby towel as Director Fury walked towards him.

"It's the only way I can stay sane Director."

"Having trouble sleeping?" Fury asked

"I've been asleep for 70 years. I think I've had enough rest." Steve replied

"We've made some mistakes very recently. We could use your help."

"Are you here with a mission, sir? Trying to get me back in the world?"

"Trying to save it." Fury replied as he threw a file onto a nearby table.

Steve opened the file and saw a picture of the Tesseract. He frowned as he stared at the picture.

"HYDRA's secret weapon."

"Howard Stark fished that out of the ocean when he was looking for you after the air ship you were in crashed. He thought what we think: the Tesseract could be the key to unlimited sustainable energy. That's something the world sorely needs." Fury explained

"Who took it from you?"

"He's called Loki. He's not from around here. There's a lot we'll have to bring you up to speed on if you're in. The world has gotten even stranger than you already know."

"At this point, I doubt anything would surprise me." Steve replied confidently

"Ten bucks says you're wrong. There's a debriefing packet waiting for you at your apartment. Is there anything you can tell us about the Tesseract that we ought to know now?"

"You should have left it in the ocean." Steve replied grimly as he left the base with Fury

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