3. Nocturnal Emission

Start from the beginning

"Another hungover?" I questioned. "Yeah, she was wasted last night" my mind couldn't help but wonder how my friend turned into this unknown girl?.

"It's better if she starts dating someone, I can't bare seeing her like this " Betty suggested.

My teeth started playing with my inner cheeks as I thought about Betty's statement.

Nothing can make her forget Jin's memories, but let's try.

They say it's hard to forget your first love and I agree. She was head over heels for him. I've never thought that he will end it like this. I thought he loved her for real.

When Jin claimed that he was gonna go to Italy we all thought that it's gonna be hard for both of them, but at least we had this tiny hope that they would make it work trough a long distance relationship.

But Jin had no intentions to continue their relationship, once he got there he cut ties with her stating that he was busy with the modeling career. He shuttered her hopes, leaving her with a broken heart.

The saddest part is that she still waits for his appearance, she still believes that he's gonna come back to her. She spent almost five years waiting for him.

It's not like I hate him, he's my best friend after all and we still talk . But what he did to her was unforgivable.

She buried herself into the toxic alcohol in order to hide from reality. She started to hide her sorrow with her beautiful smile. Oh Samara . Her smile was the most attractive thing I've ever saw.

"Yeah you're right" I sighed gathering up my thoughts . " We need to talk to her" I added. " Shall we have a sleepover at your place ?" Betty questioned and I agreed happily.

It was like a traditional thing for the five of us including Jimin and Jin. We always meet up at my place whenever we had some deep issues to discuss about.

We usually end up watching movies on the couch with snacks and wine in our hands.

"I'll bring wine" Betty exclaimed before she hung up the phone.



Oh how much I loved Friday. A smile crept across my face. Since it was the last day of work . I don't usually work on weekends unless there are some important tasks to finish.

My fingers traced the necklace that was pending around my neck, as my eyes admired the beautiful white marble that hanged at the surface of the silver chain.

It wasn't something expensive but the fact that someone gave this to me made it special. I got it from my parents soon after I finished high-school. It was a little gift from them since I was leaving for college.

Gosh I missed them. I should probably call them.

I sighed.


"Good morning sir" I greeted my boss avoiding his gaze as the wet dreams I had about him were still vivid in my head. Eunwoo was wearing a black turtleneck shirt that made him look like he belonged in some of those sexy mafia films.

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