Chapter 8

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"Minho, can we talk?"

Minho puts down the basket he is carrying, turning around with a confused look on his face. "BamBam? Sure is everything alright?"

BamBam rubs his neck, nodding his head. "Yeah, just have a question for you."

Minho nods "So do we talk here or?"

"Oh yea, uh let's go over there. So it's a bit more private." BamBam points to the bench that is close to the path that leads back into the woods.

"Yea, just let me put this away."

BamBam nods, waiting for Minho as Minho leaves to bring the basket into his parents cabin. Minho walks back, following BamBam to the bench.

"So why do you want to talk with me?"

"Does the name Bang Chan sound familiar?"

Minho's eyes widen, looking at BamBam in shock. "Chan?"

BamBam nods, smiling slightly.

"What about him?"

"Well a little quokka told me, that you and him have something going on and you just left?"

Minho frowns, confused how BamBam knows about him and Chan knowing each other. "We are just friends? I did tell him I had to leave?"

BamBam shakes his head. "You didn't, the little quokka said you left without telling."

Minho looks at the ground, thinking back. He thought for sure he told Chan he was leaving. "I'm not sure who this 'little quokka' is but I'm sure I told Chan hyung I left to see my parents."

BamBam sighs, standing up. "Come with me."

Minho looks at him confused as BamBam grabs Minho's arm, dragging him into the woods.

"Hyung where are we going?"

BamBam ignores Minho, just dragging the other into the woods.

"You know this looks like you're kidnapping me right?"

"They all know us, I'm sure it's fine."

Minho glares as BamBam, but lets the other dragging him. Figuring out it is no use to go against him.


Changbin quickly turns around, surprised to hear BamBam just randomly screaming.

"MINHO HYUNG!" Changbin runs over, momentarily forgetting about his brother that is still swimming in the river. Minho looks up, seeing Changbin run towards him at full speed. BamBam let's go of Minho, walking over to the river to make sure Jisung isn't drowning. Changbin hugs Minho, having missed the older more than he thought.

"Changbin? What are you doing here?" Minho hugs back, still confused.

"We haven't seen you in a month or so."

"Yea? I told Chan hyung I had to see my parents?"

Changbin lets go of Minho, giving him a confused look. "You did?"

Minho nods. "I'm pretty sure I send him a text before I left."

"Hyung said he never received anything." The two of them stay quiet for a bit, thinking about the situation.

"Ji! Get out of the water! You have to leave soon!"

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