Chapter 4- The Coming Storm

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Kingslanding- tower of the hand

After the incident Jamie in the other hand is locked up in chambers at the tower of the hand guarded by four Starfall knights. Jamie was beaten by Jacob's knights afterwards for his stupidity and arrogance. Jacob send a message to both Tywin and Cersie Lannister of a warning if he or any of his bannerman attack the Riverlands he will receive each limbs from his first born son.

Cersie and Tywin Lannister are furious that Jamie is now held hostage by Jacob Dayne and his men. Tywin would not risk to attack the Riverlands as long as both of his sons are held hostage. One by Catelyn and another by Jacob. For king Robert he has to do something before this brings to chaos. The king and the queen went to Ned's chambers and demand a release of Jaime. But before Ned would speak Jacob walked in with two of his knights behind him.

Cersie looked at the boy with a scowl look and meanwhile Robert looked at him with blank but angry look in his eyes.

"You" Cersie hissed at him.

"You" Jacob replied back with a calm tone.

"Where is he."

"You don't need worry your grace. Your beloved brother is locked up in a room being comfortable in his state."

Cersie still scowl at him and before she could speak again Robert spoke up.

"Bring him here I want to speak to him. Now!"

"As you command my king" Jacob bowed his head and signal his two knights to bring the kingslayer and they obeyed.

A minute later the two knights dragged in Jamie Lannister still holding on both of his arms. When Cersie saw her brother he was all beaten up having small cuts on his face, bruises and a cut on his shoulder that he received from the boy.

Jamie looked up at Cersie and spoke.

"Dear sister. My king. Sorry for my appearance but-"

Then he was cut off when Jacob punch him in the face almost breaking his jaw. Cersie gasp at this, for Ned he was shocked and for Robert he was stunned at this. Then Cersie spoke angrily at the boy.


"ENOUGH!" Robert yelled out cutting off Cersie from finishing. Cersie was silent but kept looking angrily at the boy. Robert cool down and spoke with a demanding tone.

"Jacob stand down. I need a word with him, with his jaw intact."

He sighed at this and responded back. "Yes your grace."

Robert nodded and turned his attention to Jamie. "Now tell me kingslayer why did you try to attack Lord Stark."

Jamie spit some blood out and responded to the king.

"Lady Catelyn took my brother and I want him back."

Ned Stark spoke up. "My wife is blameless."

Cersie argued. "By what right she has to take my blood."

Ned Stark and Cersie started to argue at each other until the king shout out.

"Oh, will both of you shut your mouths!!"

Robert then looks at Ned and Jacob.

"Both of you will free ser Jamie and make peace is that clear and lady Catelyn will free Tyrion!"

Then Jamie spoke up a little frustrated. "What about my men. Ser Jacob and his men killed them and butchered them like cattle." Before Robert was about argue with Jamie, Cersie chimed in.

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