Jacob Dayne- Appearance

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Appearance: (Imagine any appearance and the name if you want)

(I know it's anime but my oc character is like this but not in anime)

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(I know it's anime but my oc character is like this but not in anime)

Name: Jacob Dayne

Nicknames: sword of the morning, star lord and the flashing star.

Hair: Black

Eyes: Light brown (with some violet)

Culture: Dornishmen

House: Dayne

Age: 17

Region: Dorne


ser Arthur Dayne (Father)✝️

Amelia Dayne (former Fallon) (Mother)✝️

Ashara Dayne (aunt)

Elaene Dayne (cousin of Jacob Dayne and the daughter of Ashara Dayne) (I don't know if Ashara had a daughter in the books but I heard rumors) age 17 (a couple months older than Jacob)


Jacob, the only son of ser Arthur Dayne and Amelia Dayne (Fallon). When he was brought into this world, he never knew who were his parents are and what they look like. The only family he knew are Ashara Dayne, Elaene Dayne and the Martells. Ashara became the head of starfall and looks after her nephew and daughter while ruling.

In the age of 6 Jacob was fostered at sunspear of house Martell. When he first arrived Doran and Oberyn Martell gave him a warm welcome and introduce to everyone in sunspear, he met Oberyns daughters and his paramour Elliara Sand and Doran introduce to his son Trystane Martell and Arianne Martell.

Jacob got along with Martells especially with Oberyn and his daughters. Oberyn is like an uncle to him and taught him how to fight and to use any weapons and learn many poisons and antidotes. For Oberyns daughters every time he bump into them or walk pass them they do their little flirty games at him and that makes him blush and a little uncomfortable. Oberyns daughters think he's handsome in his age and brave.

Before he went to sunspear his Aunt Ashara told him about his father and mother of who they were and great warriors they are. Jacob was shock that his father was the great ser Arthur Dayne, "the sword of the morning". Jacob was thrilled to hear the stories of his father and his mother. But he was sad that his father died honorably in combat against Ned Stark lord of winterfell and warden of the north. Jacob wasn't mad or upset that Ned killed his father, he understand his father died with honor and done is duty as the kingsgaurd. But in his mind Jacob will follow his fathers footsteps and become the next sword of the morning and restore starfall his home to his former glory.

In the age of 8 Jacob decides to practice his sword fighting, copying his fathers stance and fighting technique and he ask Oberyn to help him with his training and he did and became his squire. 8 years of training with Oberyn he improve his sword fighting and become greater than his father and Prince Doran taught him how to rule and lead for his people at starfall. But Doran and everyone that knew him kept his identity a secret not to keep him safe but to protect him from dangerous people that would bring him harm to his family like the Lannisters or maybe from King Robert that if he plans to kill him.

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