chapter 3- Sword of the morning vs Kingslayer

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It has been several weeks for Jacob Dayne at Kingslanding. He's been guarding Ned Stark and his daughters keeping them safe from harm's way. In every small council meetings, he never likes politics but he would sometimes give some good advices to the small table. Jacob made a good relationship with lord Varys and Renly during the small council meeting. Varys respects Jacob as a dutiful knight and a great advisor for the small council. For Renly he sees Jacob as a skillful warrior and days later after the tournament he thanked him for saving ser Loras Tyrell (his lover) and would offer him a award for his bravery but Jacob declined and told him, "there's no need to award me I'm just doing of what is right," Renly respects his decision and offers him a visit at Storm's End and he accepts it. As for Pycelle and Petyr Baelish, he never talk with maester Pycelle a lot or never trust him. But for Petyr Baelish he never trusted him or never like the man, he could tell when Baelish is lying or planning on something.

But Jacob hears rumors of a Targaryen girl name Daenerys Targaryen marrying to a horse lord name 'Khal Drogo' and a foolish boy name Viserys Targaryen that wants the iron throne by birth right with the help of the Dothraki hord. Jacob learn that the Dothraki's aren't interested in gold or castle and that means the Dothraki's aren't interested of the iron throne.

Now we see Jacob walking towards to Ned's chambers, that he is summon and knocks on the door waiting for any response.

"Come in." Ned shout and Jacob walk in and close the door behind him.

"Lord Stark." Jacob said to him.

"Ser Jacob." Ned replied back.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, there's been troubling at Winterfell."

"What kind of troubling, lord Stark?"

"My son Bran, he was almost assassinate, almost assassinated by the Lannisters."

Jacob look at him with concern and spoke. "Are you sure it was the Lannisters that try to kill your son, where's the evidence."

Ned explains to him of what he learn from Baelish that it was Tyrion Lannister that try to assassinate Bran and that his wife Catelyn brought the valyrian dagger with her to find evidence and to warn Ned.

"Where's the dagger." Jacob said and Ned gave him the dagger and starts to view the dagger.

"Valyrian steel."

"Aye it is." Ned reply back.

"Are you certain it was Tyrion that try to kill Bran."

"I'm certain Jacob and my wife took Tyrion to answer for his crimes."

Jacob puts the dagger down and looks at him.

"Why in the seven hells would she do that!"

"To answer for his crimes!"

"Do you know what will happen if words came to Tywin Lannister. He would burn the Riverlands and maybe the North to the ground!"

Ned stood silent and listen to the boy.

"To be honest lord Stark, I think you and your wife have been played by Lord Baelish and I think he lied to you."

"But he told us-" he gets cut off.

"Told you a bunch of lying horse shit! I could tell who is lying or not."

Ned looked at him and then looked down at his desk. Jacob begins to exit the room but Ned Stark calls him.

"Where you going?"

"I'm getting to the bottom of this before it leads into chaos. I'll find some answers you have my word." He replied back and exits the room.

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