Chapter 1- The tournament (Sword of the morning vs The Mountain)

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Kingslanding~ tournament

At the tournament everybody are enjoying themselves. Gambling, bets, gold and fun. Despite of all the fun and game Jacob learn that the crown is half a kingdom in debt. He also learn that king Robert Baratheon is a great warrior but a horrible king whoring, drinking and spending more gold in tournaments rather than ruling like any other lords or kings do to keep the realm safe and peace. And there's Joffrey Baratheon, the eldest and the heir of the iron throne, I heard that he's a royal prick, always creating trouble and likes to hurt people because he is the prince and heir to the iron. "All show and no go" girly bitch always hiding behind his mothers skirt and it makes me wonder he doesn't look like his father or doesn't have his fathers black hair? And Cersie Lannister the queen of Kingslanding and the daughter of Tywin Lannister and the sister of both Jamie and Tyrion Lannister. I heard rumors that she could be a bitch with anyone except with her children, tywin and Jamie. In Kingslanding she plays her own games and like to ruin everybody's life just like her son Joffrey and just like her father Tywin.

I made a promise to my family that I'll return home and make them proud. But I know that when I take my first step to that shit pile of Kingslanding I can't trust anyone only myself especially from the Lannisters.

I participate in the tournament and I hid my name from everyone and name myself "ser knight of Starfall," as my nickname. I defeated 3 opponents in the joust. While participating in the tournament I hear people talking about me of who I am and what's behind my mask, I ignore them and focus on the tournament. The next match is ser Loras Tyrell of Highgarden, "the knight of flowers" against ser Gregor Clegane "the mountain" of house Clegane.

Pov: Sansa

"The knight of the flowers," she says and smiles when Loras rode by and hand her a rose and she accepts it. "Thank you ser Loras." She says and he smiles but she didn't notice that he took a glance at Renly Baratheon and rode to the king.

The two rode to there spots preparing to charge.

Sansa hold onto her fathers arm, "Don't let ser Gregor hurt him" she says in a worried voice.

"Hey," said back and holds his daughters hand.

"I can't watch." She says

"100 gold dragons on the mountain." Petyr Baelish said

"I'll take that bet." Renly said with a smirk

"And what will I buy with a hundred gold dragons, a dozen barrel of Dornish wine or a girl from the pleasure houses of lys." Petyr Baelish said.

"We could even buy a friend." Renly says.

"He's going to die." Sansa says worryingly.

Ned comforts his daughter. "Ser Loras rides well."

The horn blew and the two charge at each other. The mountain charge wildly towards Loras while Loras charges with strategy. When they got close Loras thrust his Lance at ser Gregors shield and he tremble down with his horse. Every gasp and are shocked but a second later people started to cheer.

"Such a shame littlefinger we've been so nice for you to have a friend." Renly shot at Petyr.

"And tell me Lord Renly when will you be having 'your friend'." Petyr shot back at him and Renly glances at Loras and shut his mouth.

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