the ball and comfort

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i woke up covered in sweat, i looked at the clock to see what time it was, hoping it was morning


god no, 3 AM?!! i woke up because of my horrible nighmare, but when i thought about it, it wasn't that horrible, funny to be honest. i dreamed of sullivan, but  not his nice back or his fit body, the opposite to be honest. i was at a dance show, sullivan was there too, only it wasn't him, but another version of himself. 5 eyes, and at least 3 arms, and a few on his head, he wore a hat, that was as high as the eiffel tower, and his suit was covered in mud, and confetti! his lips were swollen, and he had a big forehead, like 25 cm long! it was hilarious! we got to throw bananas at him, and pizzas with pineapple, in my dream, that was his favourite sort of pizza, i cant believe it! some other funny things happened, but theyre too weird to explain. 

i let out a little laugh, i guess it wasn't a nightmare after all. 

i felt quite awake, so i decided to get up, i took some jeans, that were quite loose, and a loose t shirt, i don't wear make-up, i was pretty enough, i mean, other that wear make-up are beautiful! they just don't wanna see it. i went downstairs, where as expected, the father was already sitting and drinking a cuppa tea, he smiled and invited me to sit down, so i did.

'tea?' he asked

'yes please, with milk and one sugar please' 

something seemed to bother him

'is something wrong?' 



he looked up from the tea, and gave me his "i know what you did" face

'ah' i said after a while realising he knew what sid and i did yesterday

he sat down and gave me my tea

'i suppose you had your reasons to do that for him' he wasn't mad, not happy, i think i sensed a kind of...dissapointment

'i couldn't do nothing...sid is my best friend!' i tried tpo give a reason, a good reason of why i did it

'i know, and that's exactly why you should've told him not to steal anymore instead of stealing the evidence' i shoud've done that

'sid is a thief, we all know that, but you are not...i can't stop you from stealing, but at least, confess your sins to the lord'

'hah, father, you know i'm an atheist, i don't believe' i am, i was raised like that, so for me it's quite difficult to believe

'will you steal again?' he asked

'no, it was just that onAce. i'm not a thief, father, i did it to save sid from going bankrupt, that's the only reason why i did it'

'good' he forgave me, i know he did, he always does, he never stays mad at people, or dissapointed, he isn't even dissapointed in hercule anymore!

'by the way, how do you even know we...well you know'

'i followed you, not exactly, but i saw the rolls standing at the police station, and then you came outside a bit later, with the package in your hand, well...'  that sneaky priest!

'you're not gonna tell the inspector, are you?'

'no...but Mrs McCarthy called with lady Felicia last evening, to see if anyone she knew was coming and-' i interupted him by saying 'she told Mrs McCarthy sullivan is coming' he nodded

'what's the ball gotta do with the evidence?'

'i know you've never talked to the inspector, and i know sid has been telling you things, mean things, about the inspector, and i want you to talk to him, and get to know him, in exchange for me keeping the evidence a secret' i thought about it, i mean, i was planning on talking to him, but just so i could confirm that he was afwul, like sid told me, and maybe to get to know him, in like, has he got a family, kids...that sort of things,  not to get to know know him, in like, his favourite colour, favourite pizza

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