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"Juvia!" Gray called out to her as Juvia rushed out of the restaurant with no excuse. A few heads around them turned to look at the commotion and they all looked at Gray with displeasing looks.

Gray felt uncomfortable with all the stares pointed at him, so he ran after Juvia, feeling very confused. Did he say something? Was she sick? As he exited the restaurant, he spotted Juvia kneeling over a trashcan, looking exhausted and worn out.

Sweat drops were trailing down her back and face. She felt like a hot oven full of pressure that had finally become released. While Juvia was struggling to catch her breath, Gray continued to stare lost in his own thoughts.

"I-I'm going back home." She finally managed to say as she shakily stood up. Seeing her in state snapped Gray out of his thoughts. Why in the world do as he just staring at her like a douchebag?

"Wait! You didn't answer my question." He retorted, wanting answers. Juvia avoided looking at him and turned to the ground instead. It felt like minutes of complete silence that flew between them.

"There's nothing to say." She finally answered, mustering up the most serious tone she could. She pushed back any tears that threatened to fall, wanting to seem confident in her answer.

"If there's nothing to say then why have you been avoiding me?" He looked at her with a frown. He was not only confused but a bit hurt. The girl who he was once close to seemed almost like a stranger.

"I-I've been stressed lately, t-that's all." Juvia looked up in the slightest. It wasn't a complete lie. The girl had indeed be stressed for many reasons, one of them yet to be revealed.

"No shit," He scoffed unmeaningly, "You look like a complete wreak." Juvia didn't even feel the slightest in offense, what Gray had said was indeed true, she was a wreak.

A wreaker to lives...

That didn't stop her from feeling as if a bullet had stabbed her in the heart.

She looked back down, silence eloping the air once again. It took minutes for Gray to register what he had said to the water mage and immediately felt horrible about it.

"I-I didn't mean it like that-." Juvia cut him off.

"No-." Her voice cracked in the slightest, "You're right." She turned around and aimed to walk away, but Gray had other plans. He quickly leaped to grab her wrist, which stopped her dead in her tracks.

"Let go." She commanded. Gray shook his head.

"No you listen to me Juvia." He spun her around so she was face to face with him.

"Look, I don't know what I did to make you scared of me but ignoring me isn't going to make things better. At least tell me what I did so I can fix it?" He pleaded but she ignored his request and fidgeted to get her hand out of his tight grasp.

"I-I care about you okay? And seeing you like this is worrying me." She stopped fidgeting and took a clear glance at Gray for the first time. She looked at his face expecting a scowl look, however, it was the complete opposite. He looked, frightened.

Finally relaxing, she dropped her hand to her side, which signaled Gray to let go of her wrist.

"You did nothing Gray." She turned to face the other direction as a tear slid down her face.

It's what I did to you...

"I-I want to go home, I-I'll see you at the guild..." She flashed him a guilty look which made whatever he wanted to ask her, vanish. On instinct, he reached his hand out of stop her but she flinched in the other direction. And before he could stop her, she descended towards the direction of Fairy Hills.

Gray stood there motionless, trying to register what had happened. He had a million questions and very few answers.


Juvia felt relief wash her once she entered her room. She slumped onto the couch in exhaustion. The morning was a disaster and she felt emotionally drained.

She felt horrible, horrible for keeping something so important away from her beloved.

But she didn't have a choice.

Her emotions had the best of her.

She felt scared, guilty, frightened, you name it.

And it was all thanks's to one night, the night that changed everything...

Juvia got up and looked at herself in the mirror.

She removed her clothes and hat, only standing in the empty room with her undergarments. She waved her hand's in front of her stomach to release the spell she placed.

Which revealed...

Her 4 week pregnant belly...


"I'm guessing it was a disaster huh?" Lucy sweatdropped hearing the ice mage's irritated attitude filled her vision. He went straight to the guild after his horrible morning and decided to sulk.

"What do you think?" He scoffed.

"Fair point."

"I'm sorry Gray-san, I-I thought it would work if you tried!" Wendy apologized feeling awful. Gray sighed, not wanting the girl to think it was her fault.

"Don't blame yourself Wendy, it's not your fault." Mira nodded.

"I'm sorry too Gray, we've tried but she just won't budge..." Mira was curious as well. She didn't understand the meaning behind Juvia's weird behavior lately. All she knew was that it most likely wasn't good.

"Did you figure out any clues at least?" Levy questioned the ice mage. He shook his head.

"No, she wouldn't tell me any-." Suddenly, a thought came back to him.

"Actually, at the restaurant she ended up ordering a measly salad and when I told her I would get her a meal, she freaked out and started saying something like she 'couldn't make him mad.'"

Lucy raised an eyebrow."What does she mean by 'him'?" Gray shrugged.

"No clue, when I asked she didn't answer."

"Was she talking about you?" Lucy suggested. Gray looked at her a bit offended.

"Why the hell would she mean me when I was the one to offer her the meal?"

"He has a point, I doubt who she was talking about was Gray, however, I'm not sure who else she would be talking about..." Levy trailed off.

"It seems like she's scared to eat because she scared of making someone mad? Well that's just messed up..." Lucy eyed Gray accusingly when she said this. Gray caught sight of her glance and glared at her.

"You think I'm the one who's preventing her from eating properly!?" He looked at her with narrowed eyes. Lucy shook her head.

"I didn't say that, but I think you might've accidentally said something that made her think that." Gray slammed his fist on the table, surprising everyone around him.

"Well you thought wrong!" He shouted.

"Calm down Gray, we never said you did. Lucy, do you really think he has it in him to be that cruel?" Cana rolled her eyes. Lucy rubbed her arm feeling bad for accusing her friend and teammate.

"No...you're right..." She sighed in defeat. "I'm sorry Gray-." She reached over to touch his shoulder when he abruptly stood up, making her stumble.

"Yeah whatever, I heard your thoughts loud and clear." He stormed out of there leaving the girls speechless.

"I didn't mean it like that! I swear..." Levy patted her friend on the shoulder.

"We know you didn't Lu-chan, I'm sure Gray knows that too, he's just upset about Juvia." Mira nodded.

"We are all in fact, and when people are upset they say things they don't mean."

"You're right..." Lucy smiled at the girls.

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