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"Tsu...." "What's up Toru ribbit?" "I have no idea what were going to do to buy some time...." Hagakure whispered in frustration. "It's your idea..." "I know, I know..." "Maybe go somewhere peaceful.... Kero." Tsuyu replied leaning her chin on her finger. The 4 students and the siblings have been walking for 15 minutes since they got a bite to eat. "Looks like Ojiro's getting along with Hiroaki..." Tsuyu remarked.

"Sorry if it might've come off as a bit of a surprise you two... Hagakure can be a handful at times." Ojiro has been the only one between him and Tokoyami who has been trying his best to entertain the siblings. Mostly because Fumikage's a bit edgy most of the time. "It's okay Mr. Ojiro, thank you for bringing us for Mochi." Hiroaki smiled brightly. "Oh you guys love Mochi too huh?" "Yes... Mom used to bring home some whenever she come home after a mission." He added. "I see..." 'This kid... I'm just beginning to get to know him... but it feels like I already do...'

"Mr. Ojiro can I ask a question?" "Sure Hiroaki..." "Why did you really take me and my sister out for dessert?" He asked seemingly able to figure it out. "Hahaha well... to get to know you two... and according to Hagakure, to give Uraraka and Midoriya some 'alone time'..." "Is it okay to ask why?" "To be honest I don't really know too... some girl thing I guess..."

Meanwhile, Reiko's trying to get Fumikage's attention, he's been silent since they left campus. "Mr. Tokoyamiiiii" Reiko called poking the birdhead repeatedly... "Is there something you need?" Fumikage calmly responds. "Are you okay Mister? You've been super quiet for a while now..." "I'm fine Reiko... just a bit tired from training that is all..." Tokoyami continued to staysilent until Dark Shadow suddenly appeared.

"He's not used to people Reiko, he's a bit shy." Dark Shadow snickered petting Reiko on her head. "Dark Shadow!" "Seee Reiko he's shy." The quirked mocked making a thumbs up gesture before he returned in Fumikage's body. "Your friend is so cool Mr. Tokoyami!" Reiko smiled as she said the compliment. The emo bird can't help but smile back even though it's barely noticeable. "*sigh* He is indeed..."

"I HAVE AN IDEA YOU GUYS!!!" Toru suddenly declared making the rest of the group look at her... "Let's head to the beach!" She suggested, her excitement is evident as she jumped multiple times in place. The rest were a bit hesitant however... "Isn't it a bit late now Hagakure? It's getting dark now, not to mention it's cold." Mashirao argued. "Oh come on you guys we won't swim, just do some sight seeing." She replied suddenly grabbing Ojiro's arm... "Hagakure, what are you..." "Come on let's go Ojiro!" She cheerfully stated leading the way to the beach.

"Hngh... troublesome..." Fumi remarked lowering his head in disinterest. "Are you doing alright Tokoyami? Ribbit." Tsuyu said as she caught up walking beside him with the siblings. "Sorry you got dragged into this..." She muttered smiling at him. He turned to look at his classmate and began to smile back again. "It is fine, a breath of fresh air is good at times..." He replied.

As the two friends make their way to the beach, Hiroaki and Reiko were following behind watching their aunts and uncle. It was an odd experience, their Aunt Hagakure's always invisible, their Uncle Ojiro having both of his arm but the oddest of it was their Aunt Tsuyu.

'Aunt Tsuyu looks... happier...' Hiroaki thought smiled subconsciously. Since their father's death, Tsuyu Asui's been the one who helped their Mother raise and protect them. That's why it made him wondered what the difference was. At the same time, he wore a confused look towards Tokoyami. Unlike the rest of their Aunts and Uncles, Fumikage Tokoyami is a complete stranger for them. 'I've looked through my notebook... Mr. Tokoyami has an amazing quirk but why haven't I heard of him?' Hiroaki wondered.


"You know... We could've just flown the rest of the way Izu..." Ochako snickered as she walked hand in hand with Deku. They wore baseball caps to avoid anyone who might recognize them from afar. "We might get the attention of well... everyone... besides it's just as nice to walk you know." He replied holding her hand tighter. "W-well t-that's true..." She replied, her face slightly covered red seeing Izuku's smile.

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