"Go Momo!"

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"Alright 1st Teams get ready, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu proceed to the east entrance while Shinso and Sero proceed to the west... you have 5minutes to come up with a plan... remember, property damage should be at a minimum... this is not the liberation war..." Aizawa instructed. "We already provided the holding cells and left the handcuffs there... the first team to put handcuffs or the other to the holding cell wins. After the 5 minutes of planning you have 15 minutes to capture the opposing teams understood?"

"Yes Mr. Aizawa!" The students replied.

"Alright 1st two teams proceed to your stations."


"Psstt Jirou" Mina called tapping her shoulder. "Huh? Mina? Any problem?" Kyouka asked. "Don't you think that those siblings are undoubtedly close with Hatsume?" Mina mentioned pointing a finger to Hatsume and the siblings.

"Is it your obsession again with the siblings looking like Midoriya and Uraraka?" She asked. "Ofcourse Jirou, it's uncanny! Can you listen to their conversation for a bit?"

"What? No way! I can't use my quirk to spy on people!"

"Pffftt, don't tell me you're not curious as well... earlier they were talking to Midoriya and Uraraka... they look like family!"

"Mina... that's impossible how can two Eighteen year olds be the parents of a 14 and a 10 year old..."

"I don't know but we can find out if you want..." she smirked, "Come on Kyouka I need teaaa" She pleaded.

"Fine... Just don't say anything... and this is the last time I'm doing this."

"You bet! Now go on spill the tea Kyouka." She jumped in excitement as Jirou pierced through concrete with her earphone jacks.

"Wow!... Big brother Auntie Momo and Uncle Shouto are partners do you think they'll win against Uncle Sero and Uncle Shinso?"

"I don't know Reiko all of them have amazing quirks I don't know if Auntie and Uncle can work together on this time though... Let's just watch what they do..."


Future Timeline...

Yaoyorozu enters the section of the cave where all the children were evacuated.

"Momma!" A young boy and girl called running towards their mother. Momo looked at her children with sadness in her eyes. She kneeled down to hug her children as tight as she can and began crying in tears... "Miyuki, Akari... are you both okay?" they both nodded. "Where is your older brother?!"

"He went out to get some water momma... Are you okay?" Miyuki asked. "Where is Papa?" she added looking very scared because of the chaos that is currently happening.

The wife of Shouto froze at the question her eyes began to water. "Mom? What's the matter? Where is dad?" A young boy 4 years older than the twins approached her carrying bottles of water.


OC Information log... <Todomomo Children>

Tomoya Touya Todoroki (11 yrs. Old) <Male>

· Quirk: Create, can materialize any matter (Solid, Liquid or Gas) as long as it is within the Periodic Table. (Combination of Create and Half Fire/Ice)

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